7 Days

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Y/N pov

1 week every year he was mine. One week locked away in some remote destination tangled up in the sheets. 1 week in the most exotic places but not seeing one bit of it.

I know it sounds wrong but it didn't matter if we would be in a relationship with someone else, that one week a year.... That one week a year it was just him and I.

Little did he know this year would be the last... Somehow feelings got in... And saying goodbye to him every year and then slowly loosing contact over the rest of the year until it was time to plan an new trip was becoming to painful. Missing his touch the next 51 weeks unbearable. I know it wasn't fair of me seeing as both had agreed to this but he didn't have to see me plastered all over every news/gossip site all year... And that is the reason it would never work... I was just an ordinary girl.. Nothing special sometimes I wondered why he even ever spoke to me that faithful night we met....


" What does a pretty girl do all alone in paradise?" I hear a voice say beside me. I don't look up to caught up in my own heart ache. "Look buddy whatever it is I am not interested" I say signaling the bartender for another whiskey.

"Put it on my tab" the voice says and I look up wanting to give him a piece of my mind, but  instead i stare in the most beautiful eyes sparkling back at me. A boyish grin on his face but God he is a beautiful specimen of a man, makes me wonder why he is talking to me. For a moment I think I recognize him from somewhere, but is shrug it off. I am about to say something when i cuts me off 

"Drinking to remember or drinking to forget..." the man asks me.  I scoff  "definitely to forget not that it is any of your business" the man stays silent for a moment  "I am Chris...what is your name" he says sticking out his hand for me to shake. I don't what it is about him...I had said to myself I would drink alone but something pulled me in. Throwing all my promises to myself in the wind.  "Y/n" I said shaking his hand sparks flying where we touched.  "So Y/n wanna talk about it?" and I don't know why but I told him about finding my husband of a few hours in bed of our bridal suite with my maid of honor, that I had taken off and gone on my honeymoon alone explaining why I was drinking alone in the bar in Maldives. We found each other in one's misery as he also just had found out he had been cheated on for months.

We ended up in my suite and the next 7 days where spend in the sheets, just him and i, both of us just wanting to shut the world out and find comfort in each other. On the last day we exchanged numbers and made the pact... Once a year 7 days....of heaven... and God was it heaven.


Today was day 6...well the end of day 6... tomorrow we would both go back to our own worlds this was my last day with Chris... He just didn't know. I didn't want to ruin my last moment with him.... but what I really wanted was for it to never end. I felt so safe in his arms... But again what did I know 7 days per year people can keep up a facade... But deep down inside I knew it wasn't. The things i had seen of him in interviews showed him like he was here...but here he was more relaxed. Unlike me he never saw me outside of those 7 days... I had to watch him frolic around with other women, I had to listen as he was linked to yet another gorgeous woman, and somehow even though i knew i only had him for 7 days...as that was the deal...it hurt.

"Can't sleep? " I heard a raspy voice beside me say. I look at him and force myself to smile...Just a few more hours I thought to myself better make them count.

I pressed my lips on his grabbing his face pulling him closer wanting to feel all of him. He rolled over on top of me and I immediately wrapped my legs around him as he sunk into me as we had done many times before. The way he filled me up stretching me making me feel every inch of him... God I was gonna miss that. Maybe that was the reason that none of my other relationships worked out... I know it was wrong but even if we both were in a relationship... We never missed our 7 days... Over the years it became some sort of therapy retreat... Fucking each other's brains out and talk... About life his crazy world, my normal every day world...we knew allot about each other because it felt safe...safe to share as we both know we wouldnt tell anyone.

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