The trailer

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I was sitting in the trailer waiting for Chris to come in... So, i could do his make up for the scene that was planned today. I have been working for a month now on this movie ever since production started. I loved it the people on set... We were like one big family no matter how corny it sounded it really felt like that. 

He was late and that was not like him he hated being late. I sat there scrolling through my phone when i heard a door open and slam shot making me jump. "Fuck!" I heard him yell. I looked at him in shock he looked so angry i never had seen him like this it was kind of scary. 

"You okay?" I asked and he looked up at me his demeanor immediately changed as he saw the shocked look on my face. "I am sorry... I didn't mean to scare you..." He said. "You didn't..." I lied. He smiled shaking his head. He sat down in the chair and i could sense he was still tense. 

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked carefully not wanting to overstep. He sighed. "You dont want to hear about my pathetic dating life..." He mumbled and I chuckled. "Can't be worse than mine..." I said shrugging my shoulders. He sighed. "I just found out my girlfriend is cheating on me...." He said and I fell silent for a minute. 

I looked at him through the mirror... "I am sorry... That sucks..." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, instead of just being honest.... I have to find out through the tabloids..." He said. I looked at him and shook my head. "Are you sure she is cheating... I mean we know how much they like to cause trouble..." I whispered but he shook his head. "I called her, and she admitted it told me she wasn't happy for a long time anymore..." He scoffs. "And instead of just being honest..." I could see he was fighting the tears.

I walked over to the door locking it so he could have a moment without someone walking in. I stood behind him and put my arms around him giving him a kiss on his cheek. "I am sorry i will leave you for a minute so you can process this..." I whispered. "Please dont go..." He said holding my arm holding me close. "I dont want to be alone..." He whispered. 

I wrapped my arms around him again just holding me when all of a sudden, he pulled me around in his lap burying his head in my chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"Shhh it's going to be okay..." I said rubbing his back. "Am i really that unlovable...? Why can't i just find someone who is just as crazy about me as i am about them..." He asked me sobbing. 

I sighed putting my hands on his face making him look at me partly to get my message across and partly because burying his head in my chest made me feel certain things that weren't appropriate right now. 

I know it is cliche and all... But from the moment i met him on the first day a crush began to grow. I knew he had a girlfriend, and he was off limits but damn he made it hard. Ever the gentleman, sweet and effortless sexy god this man did things to me no man had ever made me feel. But i kept it professional sure we hung out and had fun he always hugged me at the end of the day and sometimes it felt like the hugs were getting longer but i had convinced myself that it was all in my head.  

"Chris you're not unlovable... but maybe you just are looking in the wrong places...." I whispered.  He looked at me with tear stained eyes and i only just noticed that our faces where really close.  "Then where should i look..." He whispered pushing a strain of hair out of my face. "I dont know..." I said trying to get up, but his grip was too strong. He cupped my face pulling me closer and i would have sworn he was about to kiss me when there was a knock on the door. 

He immediately loosened his grip and i got of his lap walking to the door unlocking it. His manager looked at me confused and with a raised eyebrow. "He needed a moment to gather himself..." I explain and she nodded walking in. 

"They need you on set in half an hour is that going to be, okay?" She asked him. Chris nodded and i got my stuff ready and starting on his make up as he and his manager talked trough some stuff. I wished him luck and before he walked out, he looked back at me for a moment not saying a word. He closed the door behind him and i sat down putting my head in my hands. 

Get it together... i scolded myself. You're just a make-up girl nothing is going to happen. Get it out of your head. Besides if he really was going to kiss you it was because he was sad about the breakup and is that what you want to be... The rebound girl. 

I was waiting for Chris to come back so i could remove the make-up and stuff. Just keep professional i thought to myself. Just then the door opens and Chris walks in smiling at me. Well at least he seems happier... I thought to myself. He sits down and i remove his make-up putting some cream on his face. "All done..." I say giving him a small smile. I put my things away. "Hey, do you want to get some dinner...?" He asks. "Uhm i can't..." I stammer. "Oh, okay no problem..." He says but he looks disappointed. "Have a nice night..." I say and walk out. 

The next month goes by really fast and Chris and i went back to normal just kidding around. The last day of filming is emotional due to everyone being so close. But all good things come to an end

2 years later. 

I am setting up my trailer for the shoot tomorrow. I am kind of excited it is a big movie and i will be working with Chris again. I hadn't seen him in 2 years. There was a knock on the door. "Come in..." I said and in walked Chris smiling. "Y/N it is so good to see you again." He said smiling before he pulled me into a hug again. 

My stomach flipped... Fuck i thought to myself as much as i convinced myself that the crush would be gone... The butterflies in my stomach suggested otherwise. He looked down at me making me blush as he pushed a string of hair behind my ear while he came closer hovering his lips over mine. 

"What are you doing..." I whispered blushing. "Something i should have done 2 years ago..." He mumbled and he crashed his lips on mine. "I am sorry..." He whispered when he broke the kiss. "It is just i ..." He mumbled but i didn't let him finish crashing my lips back on his. My heart fluttered as he deepened the kiss pushing me against the wall. Our kiss was desperate, hungry and passionate and i moaned into the kiss. 

God i wanted to feel every inch of him as my hands roamed over his body finding their way under his shirt making him growl into the kiss. He grabbed my shirt pulling it over my head and pulled my shorts down leaving me in my bra and panties. 

"What if someone comes in..." I whisper. He walked quickly to the door locking it.  As he walked back to me, he pulled off his own shirt throwing it somewhere before crashing his lips back on mine. I pulled on his belt unbuckling it and opening his zipper pushing his pants down he stepped out of them kicking them aside. He lifted me up putting my legs around his waist and without warning he pushed my panties aside thrusting up into me making me gasp and moan. 

"Fuuuuck Y/N... So tight..." He moans burying his head in my neck sucking on my skin leaving a mark for sure... I didn't care i was able to hide them. He kept thrusting hard and fast up into me making me a moaning mess as i felt my orgasm build. "Fuck Chris..." I groaned cupping his face pulling him in for another kiss. 

"You're so big..." I moan after i break the kiss throwing me head back. I could feel every vein every ridge as his dick stretched me. "You feel so good around my dick baby..." He grunted and i came hard. "Fuck baby feels so good when you coat my cock..." He growls. 

He didn't stop he wasn't done yet he just kept fucking me through my orgasm. "Damn so tight..." He groaned again as he slammed into me. I was still sensitive as i could feel my second orgasm build again.  He placed kisses all over my chest one hand pushing my right boob out of my bra and he took my nipple into his mouth sucking hard. 

I screamed his name, and he kissed me to muffle the sound as i came again around his dick followed soon after by him as i felt his cum coat my walls. We catch our breath before he puts me down kissing me again. "Y/N have dinner with me tonight..." He whispers. I smile and nod as i put on my clothes again. "Y/N?" He says looking at me. "Yeah?" I answer. "I am serious about this... it's not just a hook up for me..." He says looking at me dead serious. I smile and pull him in kissing him hard... "Good..." I say and he smiles. 

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