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I am always in the dark... I avoid the light... I am not a particular good person. But in my own twisted way i make the world a little bit better. The scum in this world is just like me in the dark always looking for their next victim... 

That is where i come in to play. Yes, i am bad... but only to people who deserve it. People that prey on the innocent. Tonight, i am watching a particular type of scum... The hydra type... I hate them... They made me what i am today... 

I had it all... A nice life... friends.... family a good job and love... They took it from me. They killed everything I loved. So, any opportunity to make it difficult for them i took. I look at my hands as they start to glow purple.  The hydra puppets are waiting for something... I dont know what... but i have patience... I can wait to... They are whispering looking around as they wait for what is to come.

I hear the engine of a motorcycle and as i look at its direction i can see what they are waiting for... Steve Rogers... The men seem to gear up, getting ready for their attack and so am i.

I watch as Rogers gets off his motorcycle, oblivious to what's to come. And why would he... After saving his friend from Hydra he thinks they shut them down for good. But i am living proof that hydra was never gone. 

It was a miracle i escaped. With the powers they gave me brainwashing never took but... I let them believe it did and when the time was right i escaped. I move getting into position ready for my attack. 

All of a sudden everything goes fast, and the man rush over to the Rogers attacking him like the cowards they are in the back... While holding him down one is preparing a needle. He is struggling to get free so i fly down landing in front of them. The look up at me their eyes big... They know what i can do and i can see the fear in their eyes.... The fear i thrive on... I like seeing scum scared

"If i where you i would let the man go..." I say in a commanding voice. One of them is cocky grinning at me. "Or what?"  I let my powers grow in my hand and lift him in the air throwing him towards his buddies like i am bowling making them drop to the floor. Rogers jumps on his feet and looks at me... He wants to say something, but they attack, and we fight them off. I can see him calling for back up... Why...? I have no idea I could do this on my own.

As they are unconscious one who is still standing tries to escape. I trap him in my powers bring him to me and choke him by just watching him... A purple glow around his neck as he is trying to breath. Roger's calls for me to let him go... But I don't... they don't deserve to life. The guy passes out not dead yet. That is when I feel his hand on my shoulder his voice soft asking me to let them go. I feel myself getting frustrated. "Why would you let that hydra scum life..." I spit at him losing my focus and the idiots body falls to the ground.

"Because if we kill them, we are no better... Besides they are not hydra... Hydra is gone..." He says still in a soft tone but with authority. I chuckle and shake my head walking over to one of the guys exposing the tattoo on his wrist... "Gone... You say...." I sigh.  

And he looks at me in shock. "Never assume Roger's..." I say looking at him with pain in my eyes as I lift my sleeve. "They keep taking people... Turning them in freaks like me... I was lucky that their brainwashing didn't take... like on your friend..." I sigh and he looks at me. I can't place the look he has now.... Is it pain...? Anger? Or concern?

I can see something approaching fast... His back up is going to be here soon and I have no desire to be questioned. "I have to go..." I mumble and he grabs my arm holding me in place... "Don't go... We can help you... We can give you a home... a purpose..." He says looking at me with pleading eyes. I scoff and as he is temporarily distracted by Iron man and the red head arriving. I turn myself invisible and walk away looking on from a little distance wanting to see what they would do. When Rogers turns back to where i just was... I am gone and he looks around.

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