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I was packing the last of my stuff into boxes carrying it to the truck. It wasn't much what i had after i had moved in with Chris. Everything was his and although he felt like home... The house never did. For the last 6 months we have been arguing nonstop, i knew he loved me that was not the problem but me being a secret was.

He was filming in Atlanta right now... I know that moving out while he was clueless and out of town was the coward's thing to do... But i knew if i did it with him here he would rope me back in and i couldn't take it anymore.

We had been dating for 2 years when he asked me to move in with him, and i was over the moon thinking we would finally go public. No such thing ever happened... He kept taking family to red carpets events and always kept his distance in public. It came to a point that when i brought it up he told me to let it go... Saying he only did it for my safety. 

I felt like a dirty little secret and on top of that i always had to see photos with other women where he would be all smiles and flirty... The excuse?  It was to throw the press of our track. I knew he was a private person but not acknowledging me at all hurt. It wasn't like i asked him to share the most intimate details about our lives... But just acknowledging the fact we were together was all i asked for. He didn't even want to discuss it always telling me to drop it and that was it. And when i had to go to my best friend's wedding alone because of what people would say i had my breaking point... And decided this was it...

I wasn't proud about how i was handling it all... But i had to... For my own sanity. I had signed a lease on an apartment in New York and was in the process of moving out while Chris was away. Ready to go Jody said giving me a sad smile. I put my key on the counter with the letter i had written for Chris. I took a deep breath looking around the house i had called home for a year and walked out. Jodie and her husband got in the truck and i went to my car. I told them i had one stop to make and to meet me at the diner on our way out of town to have something to eat together before we went on the road.

As they drove off in the other direction... I drove to Lisa's house i couldn't leave without saying goodbye. Lisa was my biggest supporter always telling Chris he was not being fair and that he was going to lose me, but he wouldn't hear it. Not even his mother could get him to budge.

As i walked in the house calling out for Lisa my phone dinged showing a photo from Chris with his co start out to dinner laughing with the headline if Chris had finally found love. I sighed closed the phone and put it back into my pocket. 

"Kitchen!" Lisa yelled and i put on my poker face walking towards her. "Hey sweetheart how have you been." She said smiling and it broke my heart knowing i would never see her again. "I am fine..." I said lying. 

I pulled her into a hug. "Just needed a hug..." I said smiling. I stayed for 10 minutes before i said i had to go... I hugged her one more time telling her i loved her very much making her look at me funny. 

"Y/N? Are you sure you are okay..." Lisa asked looking at me and a tear ran down my cheek. "Yes i will be..." I whispered and she looked at me shocked. "I am sorry to do it like this..." I whispered before walking out but she stopped me. "Your leaving, are you?" She said looking at me sad. Now tears where running down my cheeks and i nodded. "I can't do it anymore Lisa, i feel like a dirty secret..." I said now fully sobbing. Lisa nodded pulling me into a hug again. 

"My son is being an idiot, i understand sweetheart... I am not being mad just sad.... I will always love you very much and you are welcome anytime..." She said smiling at me through her tears. "I am sad to..." I said and walked out to my car looking back at Lisa on the porch of her house wiping away her tears.

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