And the winner is...

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"Are you nervous?" My assistant Gina asked. "No not really..." I said watching in the mirror as i was fitting another dress.  "Y/N... Darling dont you want to hide that bump of yours?" She said looking at me concerned. I looked at Vera my manager. "And why would i want to do that..." I asked putting my hands on my hips. She looked at me... "Well, HE is going to be there..." She said letting out a sigh. 

I looked at her confused... "HE knows i am pregnant... Even though HE never picked up the phone or accepted my other requests for contact. HE only responded when i send him official papers telling him he was going to be a dad and then his only response to that was a document signing away his rights.... So why should i hide... because HE doesn't want anything to do with us?" I said looking at her a little annoyed as she knew all this. 

"No, no, no of course not but..." She said but i cut her off. "No buts i am going to this event i am going to smile and hold my head high and i am going to show him that me and my little girl dont need him..." I said with confidence. "You go girl." Gina said smirking. 

"Okay darling... but what if they are going to ask you who the father is?" She said letting out a sigh. I looked at her... "I haven't thought about that..." I admitted...  "Ill say trough a donor... which isn't a total lie..." I said and Vera nodded before looking back at her phone. 

"He is going to bring that friend..." She said looking at me. 

Of course, he is i thought to myself. Of course, he was going to bring the woman responsible for our breakup. She had convinced him somehow i had cheated, which wasn't true, but he wouldn't even listen to me taking her word for it. 

Even when the guy had told him it wasn't true, he still didn't believe it. Where it came from i still didn't know, all i knew that from the moment i came into Chris his life she didn't like me, and she had finally managed to break us up. The evil smirk on her face when Chris told me to pack my stuff and never to contact him again said enough... She got him where she wanted him. I shook my head not wanting to think about it anymore me and my little girl would be fine just the two of us.

"I think this is the dress..." I said smiling as it was a long pink dress accentuating my bump beautifully. "I just need flats to go with it... I am not going to wear heels... I am scared to fall...." I said. 

I looked at Gina. "I need you to make sure you have water and something to eat for me with you. These things tent to go long... And i dont think i can go that long without a snack..." I said smiling. "Any preference?" She asked me. "Yeah fries... but that is not possible..." I said grinning. "Just do a granola bar or something like that.... Something that gives energy." I said and Gina nodded. I know turned to my manager Vera. "Can you make sure that if i give the signal someone escorts me to the bathroom so i am not going to pee myself?" I asked and Vera smirked. "Of course, i will instruct your security..." She said chuckling. 

"Do you think you are going to win?" Gina asks as i am changing out of my dress. "No... The other names in my category are great... So, i dont think i stand a chance... But it is true what they say though it is an honor to be even nominated..." I said smiling. "Really?" Gina asks. "Really..." I said smiling at her as i stepped out of the changing room.

2 weeks later

I was getting ready for the red carpet. My make-up had been done and i was getting into my dress when Vera walked in. "Security has been instructed, Gina has your snacks and water... She will be close just signal, and she will bring you some." Vera said. I nodded. "Are you okay?" Vera asked looking at me worried. "Yeah, i am fine, a little bit more nervous than i expected i would be... but i dont know if it is because HE is there or because i am nominated..." I said letting out a little sigh. 

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