Starting over...

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This is a little preview of my new full story... Hope you will enjoy it... 

Lana pov

"Mama... Can we go to the dog park with Bob?" Oscar asks and I smile as i carry my groceries in the house. I look at my little boy and his best friend Bob. "I have to put the groceries away and then we can go, okay? Why dont you go put on your boots and find Bob's leash so we can go when we are ready." I said smiling and Oscar run to do as i told him...

I loved that my little boy just like me loved to go outside even on a gray autumn day. It drizzled a little but that never stopped us. Just putting on a raincoat and boots and out we went. I put away the groceries and got our raincoats just as Oscar and Bob came into the hallway. "Ready to go?" I ask him. "Yes, mommy..." He said smiling. I put him in his coat pulling the hood over his head before putting on my own raincoat.

I put Bob and Oscar in the car and drive off in the direction of the dog park. We only moved here 3 months ago after the court back home finally had granted me full custody of Oscar. Needing a fresh start i decided to move us to Boston. Working from home as a children's book writer i could move anywhere but because my publisher had an office here the choice was easy. Oscar had just started school here and already made friends, so we were settling in nicely.

We arrived at the park and i smiled as Oscar and Bob started to run around. As expected, it was quiet nobody wanted to go to the dog park in this weather. There was only one man and his dog at the other side throwing a ball for his dog.

"Stay where i can see you sweetie..." I said as Bob and Oscar were playing in the puddles. "Yes mommy!" Oscar yelled. I kept a close eye on Bob and Oscar as they ran over the field and the other dog joined them. All of a sudden Oscar stopped dead in his track looking at the man before looking at me. "MAMA!! look Captain America..." He squealed jumping up and down. He crouched down for Oscar and talked to him. I walked over to safe him knowing that Oscar would drive him crazy and wouldn't stop bothering him.

"Look mamma... Captain America!!!" He squealed again when i reached them. "I can see that sweetheart..." I said and tried to calm Oscar down a bit. "I am sorry... He gets over excited sometimes." I said feeling a bit embarrassed. "It's okay..." He said smiling as he stood back up.

"Mr. America?" Oscar said looking at Chris making me chuckle. "Yes buddy...?" He said smirking at Oscar. "Where is your shield?" He asked looking around hoping he had it with him. Chris chuckled. "It's at home buddy... I am having a day off." Chris explained.

"Oh okay..." Oscar said thinking hard about this answer. "Can i play with your dog?" Oscar asked him already over the whole shield thing... "Sure..." Chris said smiling and Oscar ran off with both dogs in tow.

"Sorry again..." I said blushing. "Captain America is his favorite..." I explained... "It's okay... really... it's always fun with the little ones." Chris said smiling... I nodded.

"I have never seen you here before..." Chris said. "We moved here 3 months ago..." I said blushing. "Fresh start?" he asked. I nodded. "Yep..." I mumbled... "Well welcome to Boston..." He said smiling at me. "Thank you..." I said giving him a small smile.

"You have a cute kid..." He said. "I know..." I said smiling looking at Oscar who was leading the dogs from puddle to puddle. I groaned as my once white dog was now brown but as long, they had fun i didn't mind.

"I didn't expect other people to be here..." Chris said. I chuckled. "We love to be outdoors a little drizzle doesn't stop us..." I said smiling. Chris chuckled. I looked at the time. "Oscar sweetie it is time to go home. Dinner time!" I yelled and Oscar ran up to us.

"Say goodbye and thank you..." I said looking at my boy who was all muddy. "Thank you, Mr. America..." He said smiling. Chris got down to his level again. "Your welcome soldier..." He said smiling. "Now you listen to your mommy, okay?" Chris said looking at him serious. "Yes sir..." Oscar answered. He turned around and hugged Chris his dog.

"Well, it was nice meeting you." I said and I grabbed Oscar's hand and called for Bob. "Hey... I still dont know your name..." He yelled after us. I looked over my shoulder and smiled before looking forward again walking to the car.

We had arrived home and after showering Oscar and Bob... I planted them on the couch so they could watch a movie. I was cooking dinner all caught up in my own thoughts about this afternoon. I could understand why many women liked him. He was sweet and charming not to mention incredibly handsome. I shook my head. Stop it, Lana. You have sworn off men so let it go... Besides he doesn't want a woman with a kid already... and he had his pick of women the one more beautiful than the other so he wouldn't give you the light of day.

Chris pov

I come home after the dog park, the woman and her kid still on my mind. She was gorgeous and her kid was adorable and sweet. The fact that she didn't give me her name intrigued me, not to brag but that didn't happen allot.... I get Dodger in the shower to get the mud off of him. Then i take a shower myself and get changed to go to ma for dinner.

"Ma...!" I yelled as i walked through the front door with Dodger. "Kitchen...!" She yelled back and i could hear that my brother and sister were already here. "Look who finally decided to show up..." Scott said looking at me. "Yeah, sorry was with Dodger at the dog park lost track of time... He was all muddy so i had to shower him first." I explained.

"Who goes to the dog park in this weather?" Scott said looking at me like i was crazy. I shrugged my shoulders. "The park is quiet in this kind of weather... Meaning i can have some quality time with Dodger without interruptions..." I said.

"Yeah, who other than you would be crazy enough to go out on a day like this..." Scott scoffed. While Scott and my sister changed the subject talking among themselves i was thinking of Oscar and his mother.

"What are you smiling about sweetheart?" Ma whispered. I looked at he because i didn't realize i was smiling. "Oh, this little kid and his mother at the park..." I whispered back. Ma looked at me raising an eyebrow. I shook my head signaling that i didn't want to talk about it knowing that i would get an interrogation from my brother and sisters as they found out. "We will talk later..." Ma whispered smiling. I rolled my eyes. "There is nothing to talk about..." I said. "Mhm..." She said smirking. And i let out a sigh... I should have kept my mouth shut...

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