Right person wrong time... 2

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I look in the mirror. I look like crap... I haven't slept... I have tried all night to find Y/N but her apartment was empty... Even her best friend didn't know where she was... Or at least that is what she told me... She had been thorough... thought of everything... I even called her work, but she had quite... She was adamant to disappear... I sigh and curse myself. Was i making a mistake? I sigh again because there is no way back... I made my bed... 

But even while i was getting ready to get married... All i could think about was Y/N... I missed her so much... The thought of never seeing her again made it hard to breathe... It was like her leaving had sucked all the air out of my lungs... And i understood... I understood she didn't want to stick around. Wanting her to stick around would be selfish of me... It was not fair to her... She deserved to be happy... She deserved someone who was 100% hers... But even the thought of her with someone else broke my heart. The thought of another man touching her made me sick... The thought of her loving someone else... it hurt and i know i had no right to feel hurt...

But ever since we had said goodbye my heart hurt... This should be the happiest day of my life and i should be happy but all i could think about was Y/N. All i wanted was that it was going to be Y/N i was getting married to instead of Kim... I sighed and shook my head. I should stop thinking about her. I was getting married... I was going to have a kid... I was going to be a family... I made this choice and i had to stick with it... I owed it to my kid.

There is a knock on the door and Scott walks in. "Are you excited to get married...?" Scott asks me with a big smile on his face. "Yup..." I said and he looked at me concerned. "Chris... You dont have to marry Kim just because she is pregnant... You know that right?" He says and i look at him surprised. I shake my head. "I am not marrying Kim just because she is pregnant..." I lie to Scott. 

He shakes his head letting out a sigh but before either one of us can say something there is another knock on the door. The wedding planner walks in with a big fake smile... I can't stand her... She is to... Fake. 

She tells me i am expected and i nod telling her I'll be out in a minute. She nods and leaves. I look at Scott. "Chris..." He says but i hold up my hand for him to stop talking. "I am getting married and i would really like your support..." Is all i say and he nods. We walk out and i put a smile on my face as i walk to my place at the altar... There are more then 200 guests... Kim wanted a big wedding, and she made it clear i had no say in it... That was the moment i just gave up and went with whatever she wanted... This was going to be my life... And to keep the peace i was just going with it.

The music starts playing and the wedding starts. After the bridesmaids and flower girls walk down the aisle the familiar music starts, and the big doors open. Kim starts walking down the aisle and i plaster another fake smile on my face. I feel nothing... No joy... No happiness... No love... All i feel is doom. She smiles as she walks towards me and i stick out my hand to help her step up the altar. 

We turn to the officiant, and he starts speaking. He welcomes everyone. I zone out for a minute and imagine Y/N standing next to me but i have to accept the fact that she is not... The officiant starts the ceremony and tells us to hold hands. 

"If anyone has a reason why these two people should not be married speak now or forever hold your peace..." The officiant says and all of a sudden it is like everything is going in slow motion... 

"I object!!" A man says and immediately i can hear the gasps going through the venue... I can see the color drain from Kim her face as the man walks over to us and looks at her. The guests are all confused just like i am. "I am sorry but i couldn't watch her marry you without telling you the truth..." He says looking at me. "Chris... just send him away... Dont listen to him... I love you..." Kim pleads with me but i shake my head and look back at the guy. "What truth..." I ask him but somewhere deep down i know. 

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