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After having a hard day at work wrangling toddlers i am now sitting in a bar. I needed some time with grown-ups. But maybe a bar where people are intoxicated, and basically adult toddlers was not the best idea... I am watching a group of men laughing and joking around. The are loud and rowdy. They are giving one of them a hard time, being typical idiotic men... The guy that seems to be the butt of the joke is cut though... A little geeky but his body is strong, and he is nicely built from what i can see under the pink shirt... His goat tee and blond spikes are not something i normally would go for but on him it looks cute... 

They all seem big and strong and i am guessing they are military... They have this military air over them... They seem to be celebrating something, drinks are flowing... My eyes meet one of the guys who holds up his drink as to say cheers and i roll my eyes. It was not the one i was watching... I groan as the man who held up his drink stands up and starts to walk my way... But maybe he could give me some info on the man that did catch my eye... 

I sigh as he reaches me leaning against the bar all cocky... I hate men like that... Men that think that flashing a smile with some sort of lame pick up line will work. Who think they are god's gift to women... "Hello sweetheart... I am Rogue... What is your name gorgeous..." He says flashing a smile and i sigh... "Hello..." I say in a short cold tone not planning on telling this man my name... 

"Oh, dont be like that gorgeous... Why so cold...? I know you have been watching me... No need to be shy now... I am flattered..." He says and i look at him raising an eyebrow... "Really? Huh, i must be crossed eyed then because i was definitely not looking at you..." I say and for a moment the man looks at me stunned... I fix my eyes back on the group... I smile as the blond seems all excited about something waving his arms around... I chuckle. His arms seem big and strong and for a second i wonder how they would feel around my holding me tight. I feel my body heat up and a few butterflies in the pit of my stomach... 

"Hate to break it to you but our colonel is spoken for sweetheart... So is the man next to him... He is expecting a baby and is very married... And well the man with the hat... His name is Cougar... The name speaks for itself..." He says a little annoyed that i am not biting. I tilt my head a little... "And the blond? Is he single?" I ask not even looking at the man who introduced himself as Rogue and a little annoyed that he doesn't even mention him... As if he is not worth mentioning...

"Jensen!?" He says as if i just said the most ridiculous thing ever... "That's his name?  Jensen?" I ask smiling and he scoffs. "Yes... But trust me sweetheart... You dont want him... What does a fine piece of ass need with an idiot like Jensen..." He says and i look at him and squint my eyes... "Maybe i like idiots... Maybe i like a man who can make me laugh... But seriously... What is his relationship status? Is he seeing someone?" I say and the man laughs... "Of course, not... He is an idiot... He has no game..." He says and i roll my eyes... "Oh and you do?" I say rolling my eyes again. "I got game..." He says and i laugh at him... "Well, good luck with that. I think the skanks over there will fall for your... game... They seem easy enough..." I say and stand up putting my empty drink on the bar and walk away from him and towards his friend Jensen... I can hear him curse as i walk away and i chuckle... "Idiot..." I mumble... 

I walk up to the table taking a deep breath to calm my nerves and the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy... When i reach the table they all look up smirks on their faces. All but Jensen... He seems nervous as i stare at him. "Hi..." I say ignoring his friends and focusing on him. He looks around him as if he can't believe i am talking to him... I giggle and the others fall silent and i feel them all stare at me... "Me? Are you talking to me?" He asks surprised and a little excited. I smile... 

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