Across the bar...

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"What do you want to drink?" Stacy asks and i smirk. "Margarita..." I say almost cheering and she smirks and shakes her head... "You know it is okay to order something else every now and then..." She rolls her eyes and i chuckle... "Why mess with perfection..." I shrug and sit on one of the bar stools... "Why do i even ask..." She sighs shaking her head and i chuckle... "I have no idea..." I smirk. My smirk grows as the barstools spin and i swirl myself around to people watch... "So, is tonight going to be the night?" Stacy asks me, handing me my drink and i look at her and shrug my shoulders... 

"Oh, come on Lou... You need to get laid..." She says and i chuckle... "Look i just broke up with Marc 3 weeks ago... I am in no rush..." I say and look around the bar... She looks at me and raises her eyebrow... "Ever heard of getting over someone by getting under someone else..." She says with a twinkle in her eyes...  I roll my eyes back at her and giggle... "Fine... It would be nice but i do want to feel some sort of connection with the person..." I say letting out a sigh... "So, you are telling me... If Chris Evans would offer you would decline if you didn't feel a connection..." She whispers in my ear and i look at her and laugh... "What are you talking about... He is..." I start to say rolling my eyes.

"Here..." She says finishing my sentence and i look to where she is looking... At the opposite site of the bar Chris Evans is sitting in a booth with his brother and some other men and all sorts of girls surrounding them... I scoff... "I dont think he is going to bother with me when he can pick an easy one that is willing to suck his dick no questions asked..." I joke at her and Stacy laughs... "Fair enough..." She says as we watch the whole scene in front of us... Girls are giggling asses pushed out boobs propped up probably giggling at everything that is coming out of his mouth... As if it is the most hilarious thing ever...  "Girls want him... Guys want to be him..." I say in a singing dramatic tone and we both laugh toasting with our drinks...

"So have you heard from Marc?" Stacy asks taking another sip of her drink and i groan... "He won't stop calling..." I sigh and Stacy rolls her eyes... "He keeps saying i am sorry... That it didn't mean a thing and that he is willing to change and go to therapy..." I say letting out a sigh... "Are you going to take him back?" She asks me and i shake my head... "Nope... God no... I tolerate a lot... But not cheating... I will not be one of those girls..." I say and she smirks at me... "Besides... I think he did me a favor... To be honest... The sex was crap lately but i guess we now know why... I can't remember the last time he got me off...  And i swear if i had to listen to him one more time about how my job was not as hard as his, and i have it so easy. I would smother him in his sleep..." I sigh and she giggles... "I would pay money to see that..." She says and i laugh...

"Speaking of the devil..." I sigh as i show her my phone with 'cheater' flashing on the screen... I decline the call and put my phone on silence before putting it back in my purse... I take another big sip of my drink and Stacy chuckles... "Another one?" She asks and i nod... I could use a little liquid courage... A few minutes later she hands me another drink and i take a big sip... 

 I look around the bar, people are laughing and dancing and just having a grand time...  My eyes get drawn to the ridiculous scene surrounding the Evans boys... His brother is talking with one of the girls and i chuckle to myself... She probably thinks if she is nice enough to the brother, Chris will notice her... She keeps glancing over to Chris while talking with Scott and i can't help but feel a little sorry for him. It must be annoying having people talk to you only to get close to your brother... The other men seem more than happy to pick off the leftovers that Chris is eventually is going to leave behind...

God i have to admit... He is handsome... I get why women want him... Our eyes meet as he ignores everyone around him begging for his attention. I had to admit it made me feel all giddy to have his focus on me instead of the fan girls surrounding him... It was sort of a high... I let my eyes roam his body, studying him... His hair was neatly styled as was his beard... A black button up shirt nicely framing his chest his muscular arms sticking out of his rolled-up sleeves... I swear i could see the veins pop from all the way here...  

He looks mighty fine and i take another sip of my drink... After taking up his appearance i let my eyes move back up meeting his, it felt like they pierced my soul and i could feel a little tingle in the pit of my stomach... He tilted his head raising an eyebrow as if he was asking "You done checking me out..." I couldn't help but lightly laugh... A small smirk forming on his lips... 

He keeps looking at me and i dont look away... Even though not a word was said between us we both knew... One way or another this night would end with us in the same bed... The eyes said it all, the eyes were having the conversation... I turn around on my stool facing Stacy who is flirting with the guy next to her... He asks her to dance, and she looks at me as if she needs my permission... I chuckle and roll my eyes... "By Felicia..." I say smirking and the guy looks at her confused... "I thought your name was Stacy..." He says and i almost choke on my drink...

"Thank god he is a looker... Because there is nothing up there..." I whisper in her ear, and she giggles... "Well i wasn't planning on doing much talking..." She whispers back winking at me and i chuckle watching her lead him away to the dancefloor...

As i watch her disappear in the crowd i feel someone sitting down next to me and when i glance at the person out of the corner of my eye i see it is him... I keep looking forward, trying to act like i didn't care... When in reality my body was already reacting to him... To his scent a warm musk smell... The warmth radiating off of him making my body tingle all over... My body was screaming for him...

"You know i was waiting for you to come over to me..." His warm voice sounded as he leaned in hovering his lips dangerously close over my ear. It sends shivers down my spine. The deep seductive tone echoing in my head... I lift my glass up to my lips as i try to keep my cool... "I dont chase..." I say taking a sip of my drink... I can hear a small chuckle making me smile slightly. I sat my glass down on the bar and all of a sudden, my chair spun forcing me to look at him... 

His arm leaning on the back of the chair as he looks me deep in my eyes leaning in... Up close he was even more handsome, gorgeous even. I noticed so much more... The sparkling blue eyes, the little grey hairs in his beard... His soft lips... Everything about him is perfect... His scent is surrounding me, it is intoxicating... I press my legs together as i feel my core heat up just from him being this close... I see something glimmering in the light and i see the gold chain around his neck... 

Without thinking i take the pendant in between my fingers. I tug on it a little bit making him blush and take in soft sharp breath... I played with the pendant as i look up and meet his eyes again giving him a small seductive smile... 

I bite my lip, and he smirks a little... "So... What's it gonna take for me to get you out of here?" He says a little cocky as his free hand puts a strain of hair behind my ear. Were i normally dont like that cocky attitude i didn't mind now... It suited him... He made it sound good. It made my heart race and the tingling in my stomach intensify. 

"Not much." I responded in a soft seductive tone as he hovered his lips over mine. Before i knew it his lips were on mine, completely consuming me... 

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