You broke me for nothing [({2})]

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Chris pov

I watch her drive off as i stand there in utter shock, she had never been sick... It was a mistake from the hospital... I had ended the engagement for nothing. I could have it all right now if i just had waited... If i had sucked it up... Ma, Scott and my sisters all had said not to make hasty decisions, that i made a mistake... That the fact i asked her to marry me meant in sickness and health and i could not do this to her... But i didn't listen, i was in a panic... I could not watch her die... Ma, Scott and my sisters were disgusted with me when i told them i was thinking about ending the engagement and leaving her... Even more when i told them i had ended the engagement... It had taken some time for them to act normal around me again, but eventually life went on...

After ma was done talking to her and we were waiting in the checkout line i could not resist... I saw her in the distance loading her things in this massive car... She was obviously doing well for herself... I had left ma just standing there and run after her... I just needed to talk to her... To hear her voice... To know how she was doing...

I had expected Kate to be angry... Not in this capacity... Part of me thought she would be over it by now. I mean she is engaged and pregnant... "Fuck she is engaged and pregnant..." I growl to myself running my hand through my hair a feeling of despair washing over me...  I shake my head, what had i expected? For her to wait for me? To not move on...?  It has been roughly 10 years... I left her when she needed me to support her... Caught up in my own feelings and being selfish not thinking what it would do to her...  What had i expected? A nice reunion as if nothing happened... That she would welcome me with open arms...

She looked beautiful. From the moment i saw her talking with ma my heart dropped... She was beaming a big smile on her face as she had not noticed me yet while talking to ma... Ma had seen her and ordered me to stay were i was... She wanted to congratulate Kate and forbid me to come near her... Her words... "You caused her enough pain..."  The way she said it was weird... As if she knew... Knew what happened after that and i wonder if they were still in contact... I had made a mental note to ask Scott... 

I just watched Kate as she smiled rubbing her belly showing ma this massive ring, she got around her finger... Even from a distance i could see it was much bigger than the one i had given her back then... I wasn't as well off as i am now... It was all i could afford back then... But she didn't care. She never cared about money or stuff... Unlike the women in my life now... They were all shallow nothing was ever good enough, all they cared about was money, fame or status... Most of them were just a quick fuck... To keep my dick warm until i had enough of them... I didn't love them not like i had loved Kate. Sometimes i didn't even like them... They were just a hot warm body to lose myself in for a little while... The meant nothing... Because none of them even came close to her...

My Kay-Kay... My beautiful Kay-Kay... Kate just wanted to be loved and God i did... I still do... Seeing her made my heart race but seeing her pregnant and engaged hurt... That should have been me... But i was a coward... Seeing her made me regret ending it and now i found out she was not even sick... The hospital had made a mistake... A fucking mistake that ruined our life...

If they hadn't made that mistake, we would be together right now... She would be my wife and that baby in her belly was mine... Who knows we could have more babies already... Little versions of her and me... But instead, i am standing here in a parking lot at a grocery store... Just frozen in place as she had driven off... Feeling like absolutely shit... Her laughing at me hurt more than her shoving and hitting me... She had laughed hysterically when she drove the knife in deeper... Going for the kill with a smile on her face... 

"You just couldn't leave her alone..." I hear an angry voice say and i turn around looking at ma who was fuming... "She is pregnant Christopher... She does not need you causing her stress..." Ma said with anger in her voice... "I... I... She was never sick... The... uhm... hospital... made a mistake..." I whisper ignoring everything else she was saying... Ma said nothing. She just stared at me for a second... "Can you help me get everything in the car..." She said pointing at the cart and i sigh... "Yes..." I mumble but something was not sitting right with me... Ma did not have the reaction i had expected on that news... As a matter of fact, she had no reaction at all...

I help her load everything in my car... We both didn't say a word... I opened the passenger door and let ma step inside before closing it... I paused for a moment as i wondered if she knew... I was trying to make sense of it all in my mind... I take a deep breath and walk around the car...

I get in and just as i am about to turn the keys i stop and look at ma... "You knew?" I ask her bluntly and she looks at me... Still angry... "Yes..." She says and i feel my heart drop... "You knew??" I ask again as if i didn't hear her the first time... She rolls her eyes... "You knew!! And didn't tell me!!?" I say a little louder and she is now really angry... "Dont you dare raise your voice at me...! Last time i checked i am still your mother..." She snapped at me... "I dont care how old you are... You will not yell at me..." She growled and i calmed down...

"Why did you not tell me?" I ask her, feeling absolutely defeated and a little betrayed...  She rolls her eyes again... "First of all, i was not supposed to know... I heard through someone else... Second... So, what...? Did you really think if you knew it would have changed things?" She says letting out a scoff... "UHM YES!" I yell as i am feeling desperate and ma chuckles and shakes her head... "You are delusional... Did you really think she would have taken you back? After you showed your true colors... After showing to her that potential wedding vows mean nothing to you?" Ma scoffs and i turn bright red... 

I dont know how to respond to that so i just start the car... I drive to ma's place and after i help carry the groceries inside i just turn around and walk out as i just can't be around her right now... I just have to leave before i say something i regret...  I am hurt... Really hurt... I could have had a chance at happiness... I could have fixed it... I could have had her by my side... 

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