Road trip

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We were sitting in a bar in Atlanta having a drink after we had freshened up in our hotel. We had just arrived from Florida where we had visited Disney for a week. The stop before that was New Orleans.... We were making our way through America on a girl's road trip. 

We always had wanted to, and so we finally had decided we would. The four of us either quit our jobs or took a year off and started our trip in Washington trough Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and now we were in Atlanta. 

We had found a bar ordered a few rounds and shots and where all a little tipsy. Kim, Lola, Fiona and I were talking when Lola leaned over. "You never belief who just walked in..." I waited a few seconds and looked where she was looking and saw Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Scarlet Johansson, and Chris Evans walk in. 

She smirked knowing that i adored Evans and i groaned. "God he is just as handsome even more in real life..." I whispered. "Let's play truth, dare or drink..." Fiona yelled and i could see the group of actors who just had walked in look at us laughing. I looked away not wanting to make eye contact. 

"YESSS!" both Lola and Kim said laughing and i just took a deep breath. It is not that i am shy but from the 4 of us i am the least outgoing, both Kim and Fiona are big personality's me and Lola are a little bit more reserved but for some reason Fiona was in her element tonight.

After a few rounds where we all kept it save with choosing truth i made the big mistake of picking dare. I dont know why i did it... I just blamed it on the alcohol.  Lola smirked at me and i knew i was in trouble, she whispered something to Fiona and Kim, and they all started smirking... 

I knew what they wanted me to do before they even had said it. "NO!" I said loud and i could feel the table with actors look at us. "NO..." I said again shaking my head. "Oh YESSS..." They all 3 said simultaneously. "We dare you to talk to him..." They said giggling. I groaned. "Nope not going to happen..." i said and took a shot thinking i would get away with not doing it. 

"Sarah come on..." Lola said. "When are you ever going to get a chance like this again..." They said smirking. "Come on... They dont need me bothering them... They are just out wanting to enjoy a few drinks without me bothering them...." I said trying to get them to back down. 

Chris pov. 

We walked into the bar and sat down at the table the bar had reserved for us. It has been a tiring week of shooting and we finally had a few days off, so we decided to go for a drink.

Anthony nudged me looking at a table with women having fun laughing and drinking. 2 of them looked our way and as i looked back, I couldn't help but notice one of the women stand out from the group. 

Her smile was beautiful as she laughed with her friend. She looked away and never made eye contact... But she was captivating and i was running scenarios in my head for an excuse to talk to her. Maybe a few drinks first... I thought to myself. 

We were 2 rounds in when we heard the girls laugh loudly as one of them said she wanted to play truth, dare or drink. We laughed at the drink part... "They look like they're having fun..." Mackie said and i smiled. "I think Chris has a crush..." Scarlet said teasing as she caught me a few times looking at one of the girls. 

I played with the label on my beer bottle and looking down. "Shut up..." I mumbled. All of a sudden, we heard NO being yelled and we looked over to the table where the girl i found fascinating was shaking her head vigorously saying no again as her friends smirked at her yelling YESS! followed by something we couldn't hear.

Chris Evans one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now