Damaged Part 2

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A few weeks after my night with Steve I stumble home... if you can call it that. It is a crappy motel room, but it is private, and nobody bothers me.  I was bleeding as the guy caught me off guard having a buddy with him i had overlooked and the guy cut me.  The wound is not deep or life threatening but is bleeding profusely and i have to stop the bleeding. 

I stumble through the door and a figure is sitting on my couch in the dark. Even if i couldn't have heard his thoughts from miles away... His silhouette would have... it was a dead giveaway. "Hello honey i am home..." I said trying to break the tension in the room still holding on to my wound. He stood up and stepped into the moonlight coming through the window... As handsome as ever. "What can i do for you?" I said feeling the pain more and more as the adrenaline was wearing off.  He took a step closer, and his eyes wondered to were i was clutching my wound and his eyes grew wide. "Your bleeding..." He said almost in a whisper and rushed towards me helping me sit down. "First aid kit?" Is all he said and i pointed to a little kitchen. 

"What happened?" He said as he walked back. "Idiot had a buddy i hadn't noticed..." I groaned as he lifted my shirt to take a better look. He had a pained look in his eyes. "You shouldnt go out alone..." He sighed and started to clean the wound. I winced. "I am okay... It is not that deep..." I said biting down to manage the pain. "This time..." Steve murmured. 

He bandaged the wound and cleaned up. I tried to get up but he pushed me back down. "Take it easy..." He whispered. I sighed. "Just wanted to change Rogers..." I said rolling my eyes. He helped me up and i walked to my closet. I took off my clothes and threw them in the trash they were ruined. I could feel Steve step behind me and i leaned backwards against him. I let out a sigh as he wrapped his strong arms around me holding me tight but making sure not to hurt me which made me smile a little. 

"How did you find me anyway?" I whispered feeling my body relax in his arms. It was nice yet so confusing. In his arms i felt safe... "Tony..." He whispered as if he felt guilty. "Oh..." Was all i said and i made a mental note to be more careful next time knowing he apparently could track me down easily. 

Steve's mind was screaming... He was tired and anxious... His mind was screaming to protect me to not let me go again to keep me with him. His mind was screaming that me being hurt was his fault... That he should have tried harder to keep me with him... I turned around in his grip and placed my hand on his cheek looking him in the eye. "There was nothing you could have done... It is not your fault..." I whispered before giving him a little kiss. 

"Please come with me to the compound... They have put a price on your head to..." He whispered leaning his forehead against mine. You didn't have to be a mind reader to feel the fact he was worried and wanted to protect me. "I dont know..." I whispered. "I am not a social person... I have a past... What if your fellow Avengers decide i am a danger and lock me up." I said letting out a sigh. "Then i break you out... But they wouldn't... They helped me look for you... They want you safe because i want you safe... I can't lose you again... it hurts... I love you... I loved you from the moment i saw you... I know it sounds crazy..." He whispered. 

I quickly read his mind and he was telling the truth about both things.... "Besides... Bruce needs to check that wound... He can do that at the compound. Please come with me... At least until you are healed." 

I had to admit... Steve's bed was more comfortable than mine... And he was right... I needed better medical attention. "Promise me..." I whisper. "Promise me that they will not lock me up... Hurt me... or use me as a test subject... I won't survive that Steve... Hydra... well you know how Hydra worked..." I said in a soft voice.  "I promise.... " He whispered and i smiled. "I love you to Steve, it scares me so much but i can't deny it any longer... The last 2 weeks i missed you and i know that sounds crazy to but i can't fight it anymore..." I whispered and Steve smiled and kissed me passionately. 

"But we have to rules... at the compound." He said and i groaned. "What rules i said letting out a sigh... already knowing them but he had to say it..." No reading people's private thought... and no turning invisible..." I groaned. "I need to read minds at first to see if i can trust people... I can live with the invisible thing..." I then smirked... "I can't even turn invisible in private...?" I moaned as i kissed him and bit his lip making him growl. 

"Only mind reading for trust..." He said before kissing me again. I nodded and let out a sigh as i rested my head on his hard chest. "In private... We can do whatever..." He murmured and i giggled.

"Okay then i will come with you... But i have to warn you... Break my trust and i will act out and dont hold back..." Steve nodded. 

He helped me stuff some clothes in a bag and took my hand leading me to a car. The drive their i started to feel how tired i really was and i had fallen half asleep when we arrived. I could feel Steve lift me out of the car and walk me through the door i the last time had sneaked in. 

Steve walked me into a room where people were talking but as soon as they saw Steve with me in his arms, they became quiet. "She is hurt... Bruce can you check her out..."  I scanned for Bruce his mind and smiled as the worry screamed at me. 

As Bruce was checking me out after Steve had laid me on a table in a mini-Hospital i could hear the minds outside the door. Bruce cleaned the wound again and bandaged it back up. "Your friends are loud..." I yawned and both Bruce and Steve looked at me weird... because they couldn't hear them as the where quiet. 

I was so tired so after Bruce was done Steve carried me to his bedroom and laid with me. I cuddled into him letting out a sigh and for the first time since i had sneaked out of here in the middle of the night i relaxed.

3 months later i was still at the compound. We were all working to end Hydra for once and for all. I had to admit i felt at home. Steve and i were together making it official 2 weeks after he found me. I quickly fitted in better then i expected. Natascha, Wanda and i were great friends and with my invisibility tricks frequently annoyed Tony. To my surprise i got along with Tony... It was sort of a brother sister thing. Bucky and i were a different story at first... but now we got along... He didn't like the fact i could read his pain about his past... But i promised to stay out of his head and i did. I never wanted to read every detail of people's life... 

Sam was Sam... Everybody gets along with him... Well maybe everybody... Bucky and him kept bickering but deep down they were buds. I hadn't met the guy called Barton seeing as he was with his family... And the time he was here i was out on a mission with Steve, Bucky and Sam. I didn't regret giving into Steve and having him take me here. I let him in even though i was scared. I was tired of running and Steve made me want to stop... 

4 years later. 

"Dont go invisible in your wedding dress it cost me a fortune..." Tony said smirking as he held out his arm for me. Steve had asked me to marry him 6 months ago and Tony's gift was paying for the wedding. I had asked him to walk me down the aisle. If you would have asked me 5 years ago if i would ever have this life... That i would be married and with a baby on the way i would have told you... You are crazy... But here we are... 

I smiled seeing Steve in a suit at the end of the aisle as i walked down. "You know i am going to call you Mrs. Popsicle now, right?" Tony whispered. I chuckled... "Fine with me..." I whispered back before he handed me over to Steve...

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