Eustass x OC~ My Master

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(One Piece)

Eustass advanced on the cornered woman he'd trapped in an alley.
When she slammed into the brick end of the alley he really got a show. She spun around and barred shinny fangs. She hissed and snarled like a trapped animal. Her eyes had turned charcoal black, and there was fury in them.
Eustass smirked and gave a chuckle, not in the slightest worried about the mysterious woman he'd cornered.
"Leave me alone!" She yelled.
He chuckled. "No. I'd heard rumors that there were ghoul on this island but to actually find one is well worth the trip. Though you must be stupid to be cornered so easily."
She snarled her fury. "Who's to say your not in my trap! I eat your kind dumbass!"
"Tch!" he scoffed. "That's hardly a threat to me."
"What do you want with me?!" she questioned.
"I want you on my crew" he said simply.
The ghoul was thrown out of her fury and stared at the large man in front of her with shock.
"Because I want to have the strongest and most feared crew on all the seas. And everyone is terrified of ghouls."
She scrunched her nose, thinking his reasoning was flawed. "Do you not understand that I eat human flesh. I drink the blood that keeps you alive!"
"That's why you'll be a great addition to the crew. So bow to your new captain!" Eustass commanded with a smug smirk.
The ghoul's fury reignited. Her stubborn and independent nature rising up. "I bow to no man! Especially not a fuck like you!"
"Hmmm, and here I heard ghouls were some of the most loyal creatures."
She spat at his feet. "Only to those that earn it. If you prove worthy than yes."
For the first time his gaze took on a hardened edge as he stared at the powerful woman before him.
There were numerous rumors of how ghouls protected some people. No knew why but ghouls chose people to defend even if it cost them their life. Eustass wanted that.
"How do I prove it?" he asked cautiously.
Seeming to take the upper hand as she realized she had the upper hand, she smirked and calmed from her tense crouch. "You must let me drink from you. And you have to trust that I won't drain you dry" she said with dark edge.
Eustass narrowed his eyes at her not at all trusting her. The glint in her coal eyes was of mischief and betrayal.
"And if I just force you?"
"Then I will find the most excruciating way to kill you" she said like a promise.
"Tch! Your practically more trouble than your worth" he spat at her.
"Good. Let me go!"
She thought he was going to let her go but instead he lifted his head showing off his juicy neck.
She growled and lunged. Biting in her damn near insatiable hunger was satisfied for the moment. She had to admit his blood was sweet for as cruel as he seemed to her.
For a moment he was tense. He'd unconsciously grabbed her arm from the brief pain of her fangs tearing in but after a moment he let go and went still, completely trusting her.
As she guzzled his blood she opened her eyes and took notice to his surrender.
Upon first impression she assumed he was a proud man and most likely a control freak. She saw his displeasure to his loss of the upper hand. So him letting go and completely trusting her must have been hard for him.
As her tummy was filled Eustass was drained. Standing became harder and harder. Exhaustion washed over him.
His legs gave out and he collapsed to his knees, his ghoul following him down fluidly.
Black came around the edge of his vision.
He closed his eyes for a second and then opening them again he saw her above him. She was blurry so he couldn't see her expression properly or was he conscious enough to process it.

He woke up groaning at how weak he felt. His eyes fluttered open and saw a plain ceiling over him. His brain slowly registered he was inside.
He turned his head over and saw her laying next to him on a bed.
How did he get here?
"Where am I?" he asked in a hoarse voice.
"I carried you to a inn."
"I couldn't very well leave my new master to recover in an alley."
He smirked. "Master?" Cockiness snuck into his voice.
She smirked as well. "Don't think too much of it. And certainly don't think this means I trust you. You've still got to earn that." She closed her eyes and curled up to him, her nose just skimming against his cheek. "But for now this will do."
Eustass smirked at his new crew member. "What's your name?" he asked.
"Aja" she replied gently.
"Tomorrow I'll take you to my ship, and you can meet the crew."
She opened her eyes and met his. They slowly turns black. Her grey eyes overtaken by darkness.

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