The Mystery (Finn Balor)

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Just a quick little thing. Warning for slight smut and swearing. 

Finn was finishing up getting ready for his next match when Kurt Angle came into his room. He smiled seeing the superstar almost ready for his match. 

"Hey Finn" he greeted. 

"Hey Kurt, how are ya?" Finn asked. 

"I'm fine, but there's something I need to talk to you about." Finn looked at him curious. That was quite uncommon. 

"Is something wrong?" he asked. 

Kur gave a kind of uncertain grin. "It's nothing too serious." Kurt pulled out his phone and hit a couple buttons. "I'm sure you're well aware that the internet catches everything we do." Finn nodded not sure where he was going. "Well these pictures have been swirling around of your match last night verses Cesaro." He was even more confused. Kurt turned his phone so the Irishman could see. His brows rose as there were close ups of his back where there was a bruise. "Now I'm almost certain it is nothing more than a bruise from training, but the internet is buzzing that it is a hickey." Kurt looked at him pointedly. 

"No. No hickey" he laughed a little embarrassed. "It's as you thought. A bruise, from Karl when we were training." 

Kurt nodded, turning off his phone and putting it away. "I figured." He cleared his throat. "We understand it comes with the business to get bumps and bruises, but if you have....more that kind of look like hickeys we ask that you try to cover them." 

Finn nodded. "I understand." 

Finn walked into the catering to have his name called. "Finn!" Across the room he saw Karl sitting with many of his friends. "Over here playboy!" 

He rolled his eyes walking over. "Whatcha want?" he asked. 

"So who's the lady giving you the hickey?" Karl asked. Seth and Shaemus chuckled loudly while the others were a but quieter about it. 

"They aren't hickeys. They're from you! Ya threw me into a post the other day at training." 

"I don't remember you getting a bruise" he said smartly. 

"They take some time to show up" he defended. 

No one at the table looked believing of his story. Finn left to get a snack, leaving a table of superstars to wonder to themselves. 

"Nobody actually believes that do they?" Renee asked once Finn had left the room. 

Just about everyone shook their heads no. 

"Finny's got a secret girlfriend" Cesaro said.  

"There's no way that's a bruise from training" Nia said loudly. She had pulled up the picture on her phone and was looking at it. "I think I can see teeth marks." 

"Let me see" Alexa said, leaning over to look as well. 

"I wonder who it is" Renee wondered. 

"It could literally be anyone" Nia said. 

"No. Finn is a work-a-holic. Most everything he does revolves around the WWE. He wouldn't go out of his way to meet a girl. So most likely whoever she is she works here on Raw" Karl said. 

Everyone around the table looked around the busy room. 

"Well, who's available?" Alexa asked. 

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