I Need a Boyrfriend for the Weekend

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The only warning I have for this one is very mild language.

I groaned sinking into my chair.

I knew I should have waited until I got home to call Penny Back

She decided to tell me three days before that she was no longer going to our family reunion alone. She decided to bring her most recent third of the love triangle she was in. Me and her had made plans months ago that we would be going single together, but now it looked like i was back to being painfully alone.

The alarm on my phone went off saying my break was over.

I groaned louder, sounding like a dying moose and pulled myself up.

The rest of my shift dragged on and by the time it was finally time for me to leave i felt like I'd been run over a couple times. My feet hurt, my back hurt, my brain hurt, and worst of all i was now dreading the weekend I'd been looking forward to.

I took off of work and everything. I sank into my couch at home. "Maybe if I beg they'll let me work" I muttered to myself.

Knocks at my door made me pause. I wasn't expecting anyone. More knocks.

"Who is it?" I called as i slowly walked over.

"Ugh, you ordered a pizza?" Said a nasal voice.

I looked at the door like it was crazy. I didn't order a pizza. I opened the door and there was not a pizza delivery man stood there. But a big grin pulled up my lips no less, almost as big as it might have been had it been pizza. One of my best friends River stood in my doorway.

"River!" I yelled. I threw myself at him hugging him. I hadn't seen him for a couple weeks as he went home for the holiday.

He hugged me back, squeezing me tight in his strong arms. "I missed you too Nilla- bean" he said chuckling.

"Oh my god, come inside" I groaned. I had a couple weeks of ranting to lay out on him. "I have so much to tell you."

He barely closed the door before i was practically pulling him into my house, towards the kitchen. "You can't leave me this long!" I whined. "I was so bored without you, and there's no one on campus."

"You really need more girl friends" River said. The grin never left his face though. He may act like he hated the girl talk but he loved how close he was with her, and how comfortable they were with each other.

Willa laughed as they got comfortable in her kitchen. She went back to stirring the bubbling pot on the stove. "I'm sorry for just unloading on you. How was your trip?"

"The flight itself was okay. Being home was great. My brother is actually starting to grow. He's almost as tall as me."

"We better knee-cap him to stop him from getting taller than you. There can only be on alpha" she joked.

River laughed with her, partly at how clueless she was to how right she was. He was in competition with his brother.

"Oh my mom sent something back for you." He pulled his backpack off his shoulder and pulled out a small, perfectly wrapped present.

"Oh my god. I love your mom. I met her twice and she sent me a gift." She made a face of thinking. "I'll have to get something for her in return. Maybe that wine we got drunk off of last time she was here." She laughed at the memory. River didn't hold it quite as fond as she did, not exactly thrilled to hang out with his mom while she and Willa were drunk.

"My mom doesn't need any wine" River mumbled a little bitter. "And you don't have to get her anything. She said she only did because you had to put up with me all the time."

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