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Loud obnoxious knocking, or banging, woke Matty from his sleep. He sprung up grumpier than usual, and grumbled all the while to his front door to stop the obnoxious knocking. He swung his door open, nearly ripping it from the hinges and glared with his tired eyes at whoever had been banging on his door for ten minutes.

It was his best friend Danny.

Matty scowled. "What do you want?" Matty stood in his doorway both glaring his eyes and squinting them at the sunlight hitting his sensitive eyes. He was shirtless with nothing but his boxers on.

"About time you answered your door. I've been knocking for twenty minutes!" Danny growled.

Matty's scowl never left. "I'm going to ask you again jackàss. What the hell do you want?!" He asked again but a bit more agitated.

"I meed you to watch Orion for me."

Matty was taken aback. "What? Who's that?"

Danny held out a dark gray cat with golden eyes. The cat stared in his eyes looking very curious with him. "This is Orion. She's my cat. I have to go out of town for a week and I need you to watch her."

"What? Fück no! Ask Penny!" the brunet bellowed.

"Penny can barely take care of herself, Orion would dead by the time I got back. Penny is kind of an airhead if you haven't noticed" Danny argued.

"She's your girlfriend" Matty quipped. "What makes you think I won't just kill her?"

"Because you're not that much of an ásshole" Danny said simply. He put Orion in Matty's arms making him hold his cat. "She's fairly independent. I doubt you'll even notice she's here. You just have to put food and water in her dish and she'll take care of the rest."

Matty had been staring down at the cat since Danny put her in his arms. She stared back up at him almost unnaturally aware of him. He looked away from her mesmerizing golden eyes. "Fine" he grumbled. "I'll take care of your stupid cat."

"Good" Danny said. He then dropped a bag on the floor next to Matty's feet.

"What's all this?" Matty asked curious.

"Her stuff. Food, dishes, treats, some toys, her blanket, and a list of what to do in case of emergencies."

"Damn, Danny you act like she's your child."

Danny reached up and grabbed a lock of his messy brown hair. He pulled and made Matty bend down so he was Danny's height and right in his face. Danny hardened his glare. "Nothing better happen to her. I don't want a scratch on her. If anything happens to her it'll happen to you twice over." Danny glared deadly into Kid's eyes. "Got it?"

"Fine. I got it!" Matty growled.

Danny let go of him and stepped back. "Okay well I have to go. Have fun with Orion. I'll be back next Sunday."

Matty's brow irked. "That's more than a week!"

Danny gave a lazy wave as he walked to his car dismissing Matty.

Matty clenched his teeth and slammed his door shut. "That ásshole!"

Just then his phone began to ring. He picked it up without even looking to see who it was. "What?"

"I forgot to tell you something" came Danny's voice.

"You were just here!"

"Don't get Orion wet" Danny said. Matty was confused. He looked down at the contented cat that laid in his arms.


"Don't let her get wet" Danny repeated.


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