Loyally Yours

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"Hurry up Lanni!" George practically growled at me.

I growled under my breath, picking up the last of the broken glass.

The door opened and I recognized the scent. "Hey G, some high rollers just walked in the bar" the happy voice of Tollin informed us. "It's a guy and a girl who look really..." he paused, "Lanni what's that word you used the other day?"

"Pretentious or half-wit?" I asked with a small chuckle.

"Pretentious!" he exclaimed. "That's it."

I smiled at Tollin. He was turned at the age of fifteen and for the past twenty years had been hiding in gutters. since he'd joined our little group I'd been teaching him things here and there. But what he lacked in a vast vocabulary he made up for in kind in kindness and loyalty. I saw how Tollin looked at River. He was thankful to be part of something and seemed to be enjoying his new life among fellow vampires.

"You shouldn't be so loud" George said in his usual gruff. "They can probably hear you."

"So what?" Tollin said confidently. "River can handle them no problem." He went over the freshly cleaned bar that George stood behind and sat down.

"That is unless their among the ancient" George huffed.

"The ancient?" Tollin asked, sounding confused and interested.

"The ancient are the oldest vampires. Some said to be apart of the origin of vampire kind. They are the strongest among us. Even stronger than River."

"You mean he's not an ancient one?" Tollin asked. He leaned onto the bar and stared at George with utter interest.

"No really. He's hanging around that cusp of being one but isn't quite old enough" George answered.

'Lanni' came River's cool voice inside my head.

'Yes' I answered.

'There is indeed company. I'm meeting with them in my office. Get rid of your scent and leave for a couple hours. I'll call you when you can come back.'

'Yes Master' I said.

I got rid of my scent the best I could in a few minutes, and ran out. While out for a walk I stumbled upon two homeless men. I drank from them both getting more than my fill.

Master called me back a few hours later and I was home within a few minutes. I walked in the front door and in the hours I'd been gone the bar had gotten busy. George noticed my arrival and narrowed his eyes at me. Tollin and Sophia were both on the floor giving people drinks and chatting. I walked behind the bar, brushing past George, earning me a growl, and went through the door marked office. I closed it behind me and the empty set up of an office was the only thing in there. I went to the coffee bar and hit the hidden button, opening a door to my left. I quickly walked in and closed the door behind me. River sat behind his actual desk.

"Who came earlier?" I asked.

"Peter and Hannah." I nodded recognizing their names. "They said they were only coming to visit, but those to are never around for nothing."

"You don't trust them?" I asked.

"You know I don't trust much anyone. Besides you and a few people that work here, no one can be trusted. Especially not those two power hungry assholes."

"Peter is the power hungry one."

"Yes, but Hannah is almost as loyal as you and she hates your guts. We've never gotten along, and I don't think they bought that I released you a few years ago."

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