One Piece Smoker Drabble

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Smoker sat behind his desk in his temporary office, slowly poking away at the stack of paper work he had to do. This wasn't where he wanted to be. He wanted to be out at sea on Strawhat's trail. But he'd been commanded to take a temporary stop at an island to do some neglected paper work.
He was fuming, more than usual, bored and agitated with the tedious work.
He thought he was gonna loose it at any moment, but lucking two marines and Tashigi came running into his office. "Smoker! Strawhat had been spotted in the middle of town."
Smoker bit down on the cigars in his mouth. This was it. He would have had Strawhat last time if wasn't for Ace.
Smoker and a bunch of marines took off fanning out and searching for the wanted pirate.

The whole Strawhat crew was on unbelievable edge. They were sitting ducks like this. Luffy had been acting weird and oddly aloof. After receiving a letter their captain had gone quite and for the last couple days had just sat on the lion head of their ship. If his behavior wasn't strange enough this put them even further on edge.
They were in the dead center of the city of the island they'd landed on, just standing around.
They'd asked Luffy what they were doing but he hadn't made a peep. He was sat in front of them just staring.

They began to hear footsteps and before they could wonder what it was every exit was filled with marines, pointing their guns at them.
The whole crew minutes one flinched at how awhile their predicament was.
"What the hell Luffy?!?" Zoro yelled.
Nami grabbed onto their captain and began to shake him. "We told you this would happen and now we're all gonna be dead."
Luffy didn't acknowledge her in the slightest.
"Well what are we gonna do!! This is all your fault, and if you don't think of something to get us out of this I'll be the one killing you, not the marines!" Nami further threatened.

Luffy stood up. "We have to fight them" he said evenly. "We can't leave this spot. Not yet."

Smoker came out from the crowd and stared down the supernova.
"Strawhat! This is it! No more hiding and escaping."
Smoker noticed something was off about the boy. He didn't have his usual smirk and his eyes were oddly focused. Almost determined.

He was about to speak more when every marines around him besides Tashigi collapsed. It shocked him, making him look to see if there was anyone.
"How did you do that?!" he yelled at Luffy.
"Yeah Luffy tell your crew too!" their long board sniper yelled. By the looks of the faces on his crew they were just as shocked as well. Smoker briefly wondered if somehow that nitwit had lured him into a trap.

But then a figured jumped down from the roof of a nearby building. It landed in a crouch. He couldn't tell who it was a they had a long black cloak on.

Luffy gave a small smirk. "It wasn't me" he said.

The figure stood up and it's hood fell off, revealing long green hair. She pulled of her cloak and hidden underneath was a katana hanging from her shoulder and a body to match that of Boa Hancock.
Smoker, Tashigi, and the strawhat crew all gasped.
Stood in front of them was a very dangerous pirate. She was trained as an assassin but became a pirate after joining the red hair pirates. Marra Marra Manza.
"It's good to see you Luffy" she said calmly.
"You too Manza" he smirked.
"I see you got my letter." Luffy nodded. "I have some news." She paused and looked over her shoulder at Smoker and Tashigi. "Perhaps it would be told in piracy."
Smoker growled. "Neither of you are going anywhere."
She smirked turning to him. "And who's going to stop us?" she asked cockily. But she had every reason to. She was an extremely skilled fighter. Her bounty was 680,000,000 beli. She was not someone to take lightly.

"I am!" he growled out. Then his lower half turned to smoke and he flew at her.
She smirked holding her ground.
He grabbed her neck and pushed her into a wall, slamming her into it. He held her there a moment holding her in that position and staring into her....beautiful gold eyes.
Ugh...w-wait not beautiful....her eyes are...gorgeous and stunning.
Smoker felt under a spell staring into her eyes.
She chuckled. "You are strong vice admiral. And sexy too."
Her voice wrapped around him like a blanket of the softest fabrics.
She giggled, making a shiver run down his spine. "God if you weren't on their side we could have a lot of fun." The way she said fun gave him goosebumps.
Her lower half bucked forward and he legs wrapped around his waist. She held his tight between her legs and pushing pat his strong grip on her neck brought her face close to his. She breathed in his scent and rubbed her cheek against his.
"If you ever want to see me all you have to do is say Marra Marra" she whispered sweetly into his ear.
Her hand came up and gently caressed the side of his face and she placed sweet yet last kiss to his jaw.
She purred against his strong jaw. "Goodbye smokey" she murmured.
Then she gave his jaw a kitten lick and whispered, "Switch."
Disorienting him Smoker was suddenly the one against the wall with her hand to his throat and his legs wrapped around her waist.
When he had his wits, he looks at her somewhat startled. She gave him a smirk and them pulled him back a bit before throwing completely through that building and through another before he stopped slamming into the third.

He ran to the docks with Tashigi right behind him. They arrived just in time to see their ship sailing off.
Manza was laying in her stomach on the lion head smirking at him with come hither eyes. "See ya around Smokey" she cooed, "And I do hope to see you."

Smoker was shocked.
"Sir are you blushing?" Tashigi asked.
Smoker quickly turned, pushing her into the water.
"Get my crew up and get the ship ready. We're following after them."

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