Oh Brother

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A squeal from one of the many girls around my brother made me look over. He and three girls were splashing around in the lake. I gave a rueful smile. I wish I was as popular as my brother. Not just with girls, just in general.

Me and my brother were total opposites. So much that people did double takes when they hear we're brothers. He's the charming attractive one, and I was the nerdy shy one. Sometimes it sucked being compared to Remmy. I never quite stood up to peoples expectations.

I sat not that far from them, though I was basically hidden behind the tree. I was carving a little doodle into the tree, with Remmy's pocket knife me let me borrow.

"Hey!" called a sweet voice. I looked over to the picnic table not far from me and a girl was frowning as a boy picked up her notebook. She started looking around the table, almost frantically. "You ass! My necklace was that. You dropped it." I moved ever so slightly so I was completely hidden by the tree but continued to watch the pair intensely.

"Calm the fuck down" the boy bothering her snapped. He was muscular, much more than my pathetic showing of muscle. He had blonde hair and a look of malice on his face.

She looked up at him a moment before going back to looking around her table for her dropped necklace.

The boy grabbed her arm. "I was fucking talking to you!"

I started to kind of fear for the girl. I doubted he would do anything but his stance and tone was aggressive, and his grip on her arm seemed tight. I could tell she hated it. Her other hand was clenching in a fist. She's gonna hit him. I don't want her to get into trouble. I grabbed dirt clump that was beside me and aimed my very best.

I suck at anything athletic, but if just this once I could hit what I'm aiming at it would be nice.

I threw it at him, and with luck I hit him dead in the shoulder. He flinched from the impact and let go of the girl. I hit behind my tree and took slow breaths, hoping he wouldn't find me. Because he would surely beat me into a pulp.

"What the fuck was that?!" he growled.

"Clay!" called one of the girls in the lake with my brother. "Clay, come on! Get in here!"

"Whatever" the boy, Clay, growled. "Be a bitch" he snapped before stomping away from her.

I waited until it went mostly quiet, and then I heard him and a girl squealing as he splashed in the lake with them.

"You can come out now" she said.

I peeked out from behind my tree. She was looking at me with a small smile.

"Thanks for that, but I could have handled him."

I nodded slowly coming out from my hidden spot. She was pretty. No beautiful. Lots of dark brown hair pulled in a messy bun, that almost looked like she'd slept on it, with some bangs hanging in her face and a few strands broken free from her bun. She had a cute face, sparkling brown eyes, and a cut on her lip.

"I know" I said sheepishly. "I just didn't want you to get into trouble." I grabbed my arm and looked down. "Sorry" I mumbled.

She giggled. "Why are you apologizing?" She got up from the picnic table and crouched looking around the table. "That jerk, he dropped my necklace" she grumbled to herself.

I went over and crouched down next to her and helped her look. She looked at me shocked for a moment and then went back to looking.

"My name is Mia, by the way" she said.

"I'm Damon" I said looking over at her.

She was smiling at me. My cheeks felt a blaze. I looked away and went back to looking.

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