Fairy Tail Drabble

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Fairy tail was its live let self when the door suddenly burst open. A frantic citizen sweating profusely began yelling. "Please come quick. There's a monster destroying the town!"
Many of the guild members rushed out. And true to the citizens words there was a huge creature storming around the city of magnolia.
"What the hell is that?" Natsu yelled.
"No time for questions" Gray said taking off. "We've got to act fast."
"Grey is right" Erza said running after him. "We've got to attack t and save as many people as we can."
Many of the guild took off readying to fight the monster.

Natsu got up close to it and had to take a moment to take the whole thing in. It almost looked like a weird bear standing on its back legs.

They began attacking it, each member attacking from a different side bit not many of their attacks seems faze it let alone hurt it.
Natsu landed from breathing fire on it and only pissing it off more.

"STOOOP!!" was yelled. All of fairy tail paused and saw their master followed by Laxus walking up to their battle.
"But master its in a rampage" Erza said.
"There's no need to fight this creature" he said.
All of fairy tail was dumbstruck.

Makarov walked up to the monster and stood calmly before it.
"That's enough!" he called to the monster.
The monster roared back at him. He swung to hit the master but stopped an inch away. Then it roared again but it wasn't as angry as those before. It was actually kin of pained.
"What is this monster?" Lucy wondered.
Then it began to shake and shrink.
It shrank until he was just taller than that of a regular size bear.

Then unbelievably it fell back to sit on its butt and now it was much more normal looking, not quite so disgusting. Or threatening.
Then even further shocking them, the bear began to.....cry. Large tears pooled in his eyes and then he broke out in miserable cries and sobs.
Makarov gave him a small smile and walked closer. "There there Kuzu" he said softly. He pat the bear's paw. "What's wrong?"
The bear sniffed sadly slowing his sobs enough to get his sentence out. "Mo...mo is m-m-missing" he cried miserably.
Makarov frowned. "How long has she been missing?"
"A-a d-day."
"We'll find her. I promise" Makarov said.
Makarov turned to his guild. "Everyone! We're looking for a woman Laxus' age. She has honey color hair and large boobs."
Kuzu hit him on the head giving the guild master a rather large sized bump.

"What's going on master?" Natsu asked.
The master rubbed his swollen bump. "Kuzu is an old friend. I know of his transformation so I recognized it was him."

"So why do we have to find this woman?" Lucy asked.
"Kuzu has a beast trapped inside of him and under emotional struggle loses control and the beast gets free. Kuzu means no harm. He's just worried about Momo."

"He always was a worry wart" came a voice.
Everyone spun around and walking towards them was a woman fitting the master's description.
"Ah Momo my dear. It's so good to see you." He raised his arms for a hug. "I think I deserve a hug. It's been so long since I saw you."
He was hit again by Kuzu's furry paw.
Makarov fell over. "Perhaps not" he said painfully.

Momo went over to him with her arms crossed. "Really Kuzu? All this destruction just because I was late coming home."
The bear shrunk down even further. He looked at her guilty. "I was worried. So I went looking for you but my anxiety got the best of me."
Momo chuckled chalking her head. "What am I gonna do with you?" she said.

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