Queen of the Fallen

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"Where are we going?" a small voice called. A child laid curled into a much larger body, cramped into the backseat of a car. 

"We're going to New York Meena" said the shifter that cuddled the child. 

"Why? I want to stay with you and Roger" Meena whined. 

Eleanor smiled sweetly at the small child curled to her body. "I wish you could but it's no longer safe for you with us. Trust me, we would keep you if we could." 

Meena rubbed her eyes tiredly. "Try to get some sleep" Roger called from the passenger seat. 

"I'm not tired" she said tiredly. 

"I think you are" Eleanor teased her sweetly. 

Soon enough the small child fell asleep leaving only the adults awake. 

"Do you have any tips that could help us?" Roger asked the man driving the car.

Vernon barely shook his head with his eyes still focused on the road before him. "We were never close when we were both angels and I was still very much an angel when Amora was cast out. She probably hates me just as much as any other angel."

"So she may turn us away?" Eleanor asked scared. "What will we do if she refuses to help us?" 

"I don't know" Vernon said evenly. "This is not my fight. I shouldn't even be helping you do this. If the angels find out there will be hell to pay." He smirked slightly, finding his own joke slightly funny. 

"What did she do to be cast out?" Roger asked curiously. 

"Truthfully nothing" Vernon said with a touch of sadness in his voice. "Amora unfortunately became a pawn in a fight that was not hers. Just as you wish to make her again." Vernon looked at the shifter next to him. "I am warning you now, I don't see a high probability of her being willing to help. She was cast from heaven and labeled a fallen by no fault of her own that but loving another angel." 

"Angels can't love?" Eleanor asked. 

"No, that is fine as long as you do not love Lucifer" Vernon said. 

"She was in love with Lucifer?" Roger asked astonished. 

Vernon nodded. "But their love began well before he fell. They were together for quite some time. But Lucifer was cast out, becoming the fallen. Poor Amora" Vernon mused. "I remember how she cried for him. It devastated her to loose him. She was just starting to come to grips with things after a few centuries when she was cast out of heaven." 

"Why?" Eleanor asked. 

"Well Lucifer was cast down so hard that he went past the realm of earth and crashed to hell. He soon turned to rule it, twisting it into what he wanted, but once comfortable in his new position he yearned for a queen. His queen. He wanted Amora. And there are many little passages that connect heaven and hell, you only have to know how to exploit them. Well rumor was that a demon got too close to heaven and they found out he was there to capture Amora and bring her down to him. So Gabriel decided to do the only thing he could so that Lucifer could never have her. He cast her out, making her the second fallen, but he was softer this time, so she only fell to earth. A place no fallen angel can escape by themselves. Demons only have limited ways of reaching the surface, but Lucifer is completely unable to reach it. Angels can travel there but none dared help the poor angel in fear of Gabriel's wrath." The two shifters listened with sadness and awe of the tale. "Amora lost everything, though she did nothing other than love the wrong angel." 

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