Neko Levi x Neko OC ~ Heat AU Drabble

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Neko's were tiny half cat, half human creatures that many people had come to love and taken in as pets. They were slowly becoming quite popular and as soon as Eren began living on his own he had to have one. He dove eight hours to the closest Neko shop and picked out the cutest one. He named her Momo and very quickly Momo became more of a roommate than a pet. She was always there when  he got home from work and cuddled with him as he watched T.V. before going to bed. It had been about five years since Eren picked her out and was happy every single day he came home to her smiling face and fluffy tail. 

For the last few days Eren has noticed that Momo had been off. She's stopped talking for one. He'd also noticed something was up when she wasn't by the door waiting for him when he got home. Instead he found her curled under his bed. She barely opened her eyes at him and gave a weak mew. He was beginning to think she was sick. She began to eat less and less, making her become far too skinny. 

Eren came home from work, and just like the last few days there was no Momo there. He set down his things and went into his bedroom. He kneeled and gazed under his bed to see her even farther away curled into a tight ball right against the wall. 

"Momo?" he called. 

She didn't respond. Usually she perked up excited to hear his call, and even the last few days she would at least acknowledge his call, but she did absolutely nothing. She completely ignored him. "Momo?" he tried again. He reached out to tap her but she was out of reach. Eren began to panic. "Momo!" he called louder. The panic was leaking into his voice. "Momo please!" he called. She didn't move. He was beginning to think she was dead. He couldn't tell if she was breathing because her long black hair was covering her and blending into the shadows under his bed. 

Eren got up and pushed his bed, knocking over the end table next to it and dumping everything that was on top of it. He could finally reach Momo, gently picking her up. He could tell she'd lost some weight as she felt unusually light. Her head barely moved, looking up at him. 

"Mew" she barely said in a whisper. 

Eren took her to the vet immediately, fearing the worst for his precious neko. When he was seen by the doctor he told him everything that had been going on. They weren't sure what was happening so they were going to keep her overnight and Eren could pick her up tomorrow. 

The next day when Eren walked into the Vet's office he could hear a fain constant mewing. The staff was very relieved to see him. He was taken back to a room and Momo was quickly brought to him. She was looking better than yesterday, awake and alert. She mewed loudly looking up at him. Her green eyes were staring into his pleadingly. Eren picked her up and she purred, cuddling into under his neck. 

A doctor walked in with a big smile. "Mr. Jeager?" Eren nodded. "Hello, I'm Dr. Nunyez."

"Hello. What was wrong with her?" Eren asked scratching behind her ear. 

The vet chuckled. "Momo is five years old?" Eren nodded. "What she was experiencing was the first symptoms of an oncoming heat." 

"Heat?" Eren asked.

"Yes, it's the sexual maturity of animals. Most go through it. But for neko's before they go into heat they tend to have a week or so of unusual symptoms signalling that they are about to go into heat." Momo meowed loudly, whining. "I'd say in the next day or so Momo is going to go into heat. Her body is sexually ready to mate."

Eren was a little shocked. He hadn't really thought of Momo needing a mate. He looked down at the Neko cuddling against him. 

"Have you ever thought about breeding her?" the vet asked. Eren shook his head. "Well it's up to you. If you decide you don't want to breed her it would probably be best to get her neutered or you'r going to have to go through this every couple of years."

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