My Mate is Human

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Another sob racked through me and i wiped the back of my hand over my eyes, pushing some tears away. I tried to swallow down some of the sobs and took a few hesitant steps closer to the edge. I clenched my teeth as i stared down. I stood a-top a small cliff that overhung a waterfall. This is definitely not how i thought my life would have played out at only 18 but here i am.
My heart was hammering inside my chest and my gut felt as if it had sunken to the furthest part of me. I took quick shaky breaths as i stared down at the quick current below me. I'd be dead for sure.
A broken sob broke from my lips and i curled into myself a little bit. Then building just an ounce of courage, i sucked in the sobs. I wiped some more tears away, and took the last step so my foot was at the very edge.
I took one last look and then took the last step. Wind whipped around me as i fell. My heart hurt it was beating so hard. Adrenaline was rushing my system. Then it felt as if a rock flew into me. I'm not sure what happened at the moment but instead of sinking into the falls below i was thrown onto the cliff on the other side. I rolled along the ground until hitting a tree and stopping. The wind had been pushed from my body and coming to a stop i took a deep breath. I took a moment to feel every ache and pain and try to figure out how hurt i was. Nothing seemed broke, just some scratches and probably bruises.
I oriented myself and moved so i lay on my back, instead of bent around the trunk of a tree. I stared up at the sky. What happened? I sat up and i was achey. I looked over confused and i saw the new alpha transforming from his wolf form to his human. When he was human he looked at me with a pissed off look. He came over and i whined, lowering myself to the ground and looking down to the ground.
Mason Lairmen, was the new alpha of our pack. He over took it from his father almost a year ago. He was still fairly young, maybe 26 years old.
"What the hell were you thinking?" he growled.
I dared look up and tried to stop the tears that were filling my eyes. "You don't understand alpha. I'll never be good for the pack. My mate..."
"What?" he asked looking worried.
"He's a human" I said sadly. "I'll never have him. I'll never bare pups. I'm of not good for the pack."
It may sound harsh but in our world things were. A member whose mate either dies or rejects them really only becomes a burden to the pack. Because they are on their own they have a hard time sometimes caring for themselves and rely on the pack to pick up the slack that a mate would. And I'll never bare pups to add to our warriors.
"That doesn't mean you get to decide to kill yourself."
"It's my life!" I growled, forgetting my place. "Why just string me along to get old and then when things too hard decide to either kick me out or kill me." I sat up and stared at him.
"We are a pack Lisanna" he said firmly. "We care for all pack members no matter of how useful or not they are."
I wanted to snort. I saw his father do it three times. He may say that now but we'll see when it gets harder and harder to keep a useless mouth to feed around.
Tears fell from my eyes. "But...I don't want to be a burden. That's all I've ever been!" Sobs made my voice crack. "I can't do anything right" I cried. I covered my eyes. I cried for a few minutes the misery I'd been feeling for the past months getting the best of me.
Almost 8 months ago when i turned 18 i found out my best friend, a human, was my mate. We are forbidden to tell humans anything about us. The punishment is death.
"Just because he's human doesn't mean you can't have a relationship with him" Mason pointed out. his voice sounded much gentler and closer.
"He doesn't love me!" I cried out at him. I sobbed into my hands. "He doesn't look twice at me, and he's in love with some girl from Spencerport" I wept.
His strong scent wrapped around me. I opened my terry eyes and saw him sitting in front of me. He looked at me seriously. His crystal clear blue eyes were staring through me. He was trying to channel my wolf, so he could understand my pain. I saw him flinch in the slightest. My wolf was yowling inside of me. She felt my utter devastation, as well as her own.
"Lisanna" he said gently. "You are apart of this pack no matter what. I understand you are hurting, and by werewolf law you were probably doing the best thing." He put his forehead against mine. "I have much respect for you little wolf." His actions made my lips tremble with a new bout of tears. "But I am not giving up on you. So from hear on out i will be watching over you." I broke down in more sobs, more tears falling down my cheeks. "I am going to give you a very hard task. As your alpha i command you to live." Then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his open legs and against his chest. I was a mess with sobs. I clawed at his skin, wishing he had a shirt on so i could grab it in my clutches. I took deep shaky breaths as i tried to get air in. My lungs felt starved for the needed air through my wretched sobs.
I'm not sure how long i cried for, but Mason held me through it all. When i finally calmed down, I sniffed and wiped some of the wetness from my face. I peered up and Mason had a soft expression on his face. He looked down feeling my stare. He gave a small smile and lifted his head. It was a very kind offering, most alphas probably wouldn't do, but he was doing a lot of thing most alphas wouldn't. I leaned up and nuzzled his neck. I nuzzled the scent gland there, bathing me in his scent, reaffirming my place in the pack.
"Thank you" i said sheepishly and tired.
"Anything for my little wolf."
I tried not to smile at the nickname he gave me.
I yawned tiredly and laid my head on his chest. "Would it be selfish of me to ask for you to hold me just a little longer?"
"Yes" he said, "But right now I am willing to oblige. You will not always hold so much favor from the alpha, so don't get a big head."
I chuckled a little and closed my eyes.

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