Avengers X OC part 1

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Natasha stood ready for her time to strike. She watched with alerted eyes from her hiding spot. Everything was going as they were told it would. Just as their information said two groups had met in this secluded spot in the woods to trade goods.

From their information a powerful weapon was being traded. It was their job to steal the weapon and stow it where no evil could get to it.

"Is everyone ready?" came Fury's rough voice in her headset.

"Copy" Natasha said.

"Copy" Hawkeye said.

"Copy" Steve said.

"Alright Avengers. On my mark swoop in there and take that weapon."

Natasha paused to look around. Every enemy was down. Some had run away, but those foolish enough to try and fight were down. She stood up from her crouch and looked over at the huge metal box. Whatever was so dangerous was in that.

She walked closer looking over its sleek exterior.

"So this is it?"

"I guess so" Hawkeye said.

Captain America picked it up as if it was noting. "Let's hurry up. We don't need anyone come looking for this. We need to get it secured immediately. "

Tony walked down to the lab where most of his fellow Avengers were. He walked in lazily and his eyes glanced at the giant metal box.

"What is this?" he asked.

A few turned to see who had wondered in.

"Its that state of the ark weapon we got that tip about" Bruce said. You could see the intrest in his eyes.

"What type of weapon is it?" Tony asked.

"Don't know" Bruce said, shrugging. "But it rose the interest of the government and sent us to make sure no other power got it."

Tony clapped his hands. "Then let's crack this baby open and see what we're dealing with."

"Calm down Stark" Fury said walking in behind the playboy. "We need to proceed with caution. We have no idea what could be in there. There was no mention of what type of weapon it is. Stark, Banner! There's a panel on the side, can you hack that and find out what's inside?"

"On it" the quick talking playboy said. "Jarvis!"

"Yes sir?" the computer said, his screen coming down.

"I need an input."

A long cord came down from the screen's side. "Here you are sir."

Tony quickly plugged the cord into the small computer panel. "Tell me Jarvis, what are we dealing with?"

The computer quickly processed the small computer.

"It is merely a opening device. It has no information on it."

"Can you hack it?" Bruce asked.

"Of course sir" Jarvis complied.

"Wait! Are there any traps?" Steve asked.

"No sir" Jarvis said.

"There worry wart" Tony mocked, "Now open it up. I might just die waiting to see what has the government all worried."

"Opening sir" the robot said.

Then there was a click and then the metal doors opened up falling down. Everyone watched with anxious eyes to see what could be inside.

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