Crocodile x OC ~ Crocobabe (Modern AU)

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Layla's POV:

I sighed for what felt like the millionth time today. I sat at a beautifully set table and ate a delicious meal but it seemed almost tasteless without someone sat across from me to enjoy it with. This was the fourth time in a row this week Croc had been too busy to join me for dinner.

It seemed nowadays he was always too busy for me. He hardly ever came to bed, and if he did he was only there for a little. He was never there in the morning. God knows the last time he touched me. And I'm not even being a pervert. I think the last time his hand touched my skin, body hand or face,  was nearly a month ago.

The door opened and I gazed to see Martha the maid come in. She bowed to me and gave me a tense smile. "Sir Croc has told me to inform you that he won't make it for dinner tonight" she said awkwardly. Martha was on the older side, older than me at least. She had brown hair with gray mingled in. She had brown eyes much kinder than my own and she was a sweet lady and friend. When I first came to Croc's house I depended on her and I think of her as a dear friend.

"As if me eating alone didn't already give me the message" I growled agitatedly.

"I'm sorry my lady" Martha bowed again.

"It's fine. I apologize for taking my poor mood out on you. You don't deserve that Martha, you've been very kind to me." I took a large chug of my wine.

"Thank you my lady. Should I remove Sir Croc's place?"

"You can remove mine as well" I said getting up from the table.

"But you've barely eaten" Martha said worriedly.

"I'll be fine." I left the room, but not without my wine. I passed through the kitchen and filled my glass back up and made my way to the den. On my way I passed Croc's office and heard him talking quietly. I couldn't hear well enough to make out words but I did hear him slightly chuckle. My frowned deepened and I practically stomped the rest of the way to the den. I collapsed on the luxurious and soft couch. I snapped on the t.v. and began chugging the rest of my wine.

I should be used to this. This is how I'd spent a lot of my nights as of late. Alone. Well actually that's how I spent most of the last month. I'd barely seen Croc, and even when we were in the same room he seemed too distracted to keep any type of a conversation.

I was woken by a sound. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Croc by the t.v turning it off. I sat up and realized how late it was.

"You shouldn't sleep in here" Croc said.

"Why does it matter to you?" I growled sleepily. I rearranged the pillow I'd been laying on and laid my head back down.

"Go to our room and sleep" he commanded in a bored voice.

"No, I want to stay here" I said like a spoiled brat.

"It wasn't a suggestion Layla" he growled. He reached for me but I used my power and made myself intangible. He sighed as his hand went right through the opaque silhouette of my body, and hit the cushion underneath me. Something that would always annoy Croc to no end were my powers. That fact that I could make myself intangible, so that nothing could touch me had always aggravated him. I could easily slip out of his grasp if I so chose.

"Layla" he growled.

I sighed angrily getting up. "I'm going" I said. "Excuse me for being within ten feet of you." I rose from the couch and started my way towards our bedroom. I yawned, feeling how exhausted I was. Our bedroom was on the second floor and a long walk away. I had not wanted to go to our bedroom not only just to be uncooperative and difficult, I also just didnt' want to walk all the way there.

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