Kid x OC ~ AWNW part2

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I curled up on Kid's bed, tugging the blankets further around me. I didn't feel too good. I felt nauseous and tired, and hot.
I groaned curling up, trying to go back to sleep where I felt much better. I was having a great dream as well.
"Manza" Kid growled next to me. "Stop hogging all the blankets you cow!"
"Mehhhh!" I whined pulling harder at the blankets.
The blankets were snatched away from my and I gazed up, seeing Kid looming over me looking pissed and annoyed.
But it all quickly faded and turned to worry. "You don't look so good" he observed.
"I don't feel so good either" I mumbled.
"Should I go get the doctor?"
I nodded my head.
"I'll be right back."
I was in full fetal position in the middle of his bed when I felt bile rising up my throat.
I jumped from his bed to his bathroom and threw up. Tears leaked from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. A side effect of throwing up I always seemed to have. I didn't understand it but it never failed that I cried after I threw up.
I was kneeling by the toilet, having thrown up three total times and still not feeling any better.
"Manza? Where are you?" I heard Kid call.
I wanted to answer but I threw up again instead.
The door creaked and saw Eustass walk in.
"I thought I told you stay put."
He grabbed all my navy blue hair and pulled it back. "Sorry but I thought it would be better to throw up in here then on your bed."
More came up and I turned back to the toilet to gag some more. Barely anything came up and dry gagging almost felt worse than actually throwing up.
"You aren't pregnant are you?"
When I stopped gagging I turned back to him. "No, you fucking idiot. You need to get fucked for that to happen."
Eustass raised a brow. "I don't know how long Killer kept you a secret."
Fury rose in me. I grabbed the closest item, which just happened to be the cup I put my toothbrush in, and threw it at him.
He just barely dodged it, looking shocked I actually threw it and almost hit him.
"What the fuck?!" he growled.
"I'm not some fucking whore who sleeps around. Get the fuck out!"
Kid looked at me with a snarl and glared at me. "Fine hold your own damn hair back." He walked out.
"I will! I have two hands!!" I yelled back.
I heard him slam the door to his room as he left.
The ship's doctor, Moro, crept in looking slightly uncomfortable. "Captain said you're sick."
"I feel like shit."
Moro waited till I was all done puking and then he took me back to his office. He did a couple tests and came to the conclusion I had a stomach bug. He told me I had to be isolated so no one else would catch it.
I sighed at having to be locked up in a room again but I was too tired to argue. I just wanted to go back to sleep. So I did.

I was woken from my nap though by talking. I was facing the wall so they didn't see I was awake.
I recognized Kid's voice talking with Moro. "What's wrong with her?" Kid asked.
"Captain you really shouldn't be in here."
"Answer my fucking question!"
"She has a stomach bug. It should pass in a couple days at the most. But she needs to be isolated from the rest of the crew so it doesn't spread. If you start to feel anything find me immediately. You may already be infected with it."
"Is she gonna be alright?"
"Yes, yes. She's already puked up everything in her stomach so that should be the end of that. In a few days she'll be up and starving."
Kid walked over to me. I closed my eyes and played opossum.
He reached out and gently ran a finger over my cheek.
His touch was unusually gentle and sweet. I almost couldn't believe it was from him.
"Wash your hands after touching her!" Moro commanded.
"Shut up Moro." Kid walked away. "And you keep quiet about this."
"About what?" Moro asked.
Eustass gave a gruff grunt and then the door closed.
"Wow" Moro mused. "Who thought the captain could be nice."

The next day I woke up feeling even worse. I couldn't stop gagging and my stomach was churning and flipping causing me the utmost discomfort. I whined and cried as I stuck through it.
I hated being sick.
I like to think I'm a moderately strong person but when I get sick I just wanna curl up in the blankets and sleep and be comforted.
But I was currently being isolated from everyone. Any hope for comfort was gone.

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