Inuyasha drabble

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While on their quest for more jewel shards Inuyasha's group came upon a giant slug demon. It lunged up from the ground screaming a high pitched scream.
It was disgustingly putrid. Poison saliva dripped from its mouth as it fought with the half demon.
Playing dirty it swung it's tail out and wrapped around Kagome and began slowly crushing her. She screamed at the top of her lungs.
Inuyasha immediately went to freeing her, slashing the demon with his Tetsyga.
Kagome was freed, the bottom half of the demons tail falling off.
But that only made the demon more pissed off. It stuck it's tongue out and slashed Inuyasha in return.
The half demon was thrown away, groaning as the poison seeped into his blood.
Inuyasha struggled to get up and didn't make far from leaning on his Tetsyga just to stay up.
Miroku chanted some spells and the demon hissed.
The Kagome launched one of her arrows wounding the giant demon. It retreated back into its burrow in the ground.
Kagome went to check up on Inuyasha who was having a hard time moving.
"What's wrong Inuyasha?" she asked.
He groaned aching as the poison set his body on fire.
"That damn demon must have been poisonous." He took a deep breath. "My whole body feels like it's on fire."
"Lay down, I've got to treat your wounds" she instructed.
There was a deep rumble and the ground beneath their feet began to shake.
They all looked around.
"There's no time" Sango yelled. "That demon is still alive and pissed off. We've got to get out of here."
"But Inuyasha" Kagome protested.
"I know" she said solemnly. "But we'll all die if we stay here any longer."
Miroku grabbed him an put I Inuyasha's arm over his shoulder. "Sango is right. We have to move right now and we'll treat his wounds as son as he are safe."
"I'm fine" Inuyasha struggled to say.
Kagome went on his other side and helped Miroku carry him.
"Stay strong Inuyasha." 

It was a tense and fearful fast walk as they tried to run from the demon all the while carrying a severely wounded half demon.
After half an hour they came upon a village.
All the villagers looked at them fearful. They laid Inuyasha down and took a break hoping they had outrun the demon.
Kagome was panting but immediately sank to her knees to check on his wound. She cringed as it looked a lot worse. "Inuyasha" she muttered.
"Village people. We mean you no harm. We are running from a demon and just need to rest a while" Miroku called to the people.
An old man with a long beard walked out with a young woman at his side looking weary of the new people in her village. "Hello strangers" he greeted. "It looks like your friend is pretty beaten up" the old man peered down at the struggling Inuyasha.
"You should leave" the woman said.
Kagome gasped at her rudeness.
"Now now Kimiko" the old man chuckled. "They have been attacked by a demon themselves and appear to be of no threat to us."
She still sneered at the group of travelers. "That could just be a guise so they can steal from us in the middle of the might."
Sango stepped forward. "Please believe us, we would never hurt you or your village. We just need to rest and treat our friend."
Kimiko frowned. "Your friend is a demon. Demons aren't welcomed me here!"
"Enough Kimiko!" the old man called.
The girl frowned and left.
The man chuckled. "I apologize for Kimiko's rudeness. She only has the best interest of our village and times are tough. You can trust the kind traveler as you once could."
Miroku smiled at the man. "We understand. We only wish to stay a couple hours and then we'll leave your village."
"Nonsense!" he yelled. "You're all exhausted and need a good dinner. You'll stay the night and have dinner with us and tomorrow you are free to leave."
The old man smiled with such kindness Kagome was in shock.
"My name is Konekemaru and you can stay with me and my granddaughter tonight. Come along. Your friend needs some medical attention."

It was dinner time and it was a bit tense. It was eaten silence all the while Kimiko glaring at Shippo and the unconscious Inuyasha.
"Your friend seems to not be doing very well" Konekemaru observed.
"We were attacked by this giant bug demon" Miroku spoke. "It wounded Inuyasha and it is clear he was poisoned."
The old man nodded. "He was wounded by Jamba the giant slug demon. He is highly poisonous. Those who are infected by him usually don't survive."
Kagome gasped looking terrified down at Inuyashsa.
"But that is mainly because this ego become infected are too weak to move and then Jamba devours them."
"Why is a monk traveling with two demons?" Kimiko asked crudely. "You're a disgrace."
"Kimiko!" Konekemaru scolded her.
Miroku laughed. "I was weary myself at first but coming to stay with both Inuyasha and Kagome I have seen the good they have brought about."
Kimiko looked ready to whip another insult at him but the ground began to shake.
"Wha!! What is this?" Shippo asked scared.
"Could it be the demon?" Sango asked. "It couldn't have followed us all this way!"
Then the ground exploded and put came Jamba still with one of Kagome's arrows in his side. They all went flying and landed harshly on the ground.
Kagome reached for her arrows but found that they were gone.
Looking for them they were across the yard.
Looking up Jamba was enraged screaming and howling at the night. He then headed towards a still incapacitated Inuyasha. Her eyes went wide. He was gonna try to eat him.
"Inuyasha!" she screamed.
She got up to run to him but Kimiko grabbed we ankle and pulled her down.
"What are you doing?!" Kagome yelled.
"Just shut up an put your head down" Kimiko growled pushing Kagome's head down to the ground.
Kagome's body was in a near panic. Inuyasha was about to be eaten and here she was praying!?! She was about to scream when she heard it. Chanting.
She gazed back and all the villagers had come out and knelt as she was and were chanting a prayer.
She wondered what they were doing. Surely praying was not a good reaction to a demon attack.
But then there was a thud and the chanting stopped.
Kimiko let go of her head and Kagome looked up. She gasped.
Standing between Jamba and Inuyasha was a woman.

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