Beauty and the Beast (Lemon)

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So I'm going to put in a couple warnings here. There is bad language. Detailed smut, and mention of knotting. If you are not okay with any of those things please do not read.


What had started out as mild irritation was very quickly turning into blind rage.

I walked down the hallways and those that could sense my rage bowed their heads and looked away. And those that couldn't sense it had enough sense to follow after those who could. I swear i would put up with only one person meeting my gaze right now.

"It's okay" called a melodic voice that never failed to calm the monster inside me. I spun around and there stood my Della. A quiet woman who loved me, calmed me.

My life has been a unfortunate happening after another. Cursed with a monster of a wolf inside me that feeds off my emotion, and me with no cnotrol over my emoptions. I was one snap away from becoming a feral wolf until Della showed up. It was the quintessencial case of beauty and the beast.

I almost ran to her like a lost puppy being found. I walked to her and she gave me a small smile, holding out her hand.

I forewent her hand and wrapped my arm around her instead, picking her up and pressing her against my body.

She hummed quietly, doing it on purpose or not, using some of her powers and calming the wolf inside me. The hair on the back of my neck laid down, and hold of her lessened some. I took a deep breath, breathing in her scent finding my heart beat slow to a much more normal pace.

"Why are you upset?" she asked.

"We'll talk about it later" I grumbled. She nodded understanding it was private. I buried my face in her neck needing her scent to wash through my body. "I need you" I mumbled against her neck.

"I have class puppy" she giggled. Usually i might try to act pissed at her calling me that in public but right now i couldn't give a fuck.

"But i need you" I whined. "I just need you around."

"We only have one more class apart and then you have me the rest of the day" she cooed. "Will you be able to make it? I can skip if you really need me." Her gold and hazel eyes peered into my black eyes searching.

"No. I can wait."

She smiled. "Okay. I just have math, and then I'm yours."

I gave a rumble before nipping at her neck. She moaned a little and i growled. Once i saw i left a mark i let her go. She leaned up on her tip-toes and i leaned down the rest of the way to give her a kiss.

"I'll see you later okay" she said over my lips.

"Okay" I said be grudgingly. She gently blew some air over my fave, this time purposely using her powers and really took my edge off. I gave her a small smile and she turned and walked to her next class.

Della. She'd been paired up with me as a sort of mentor when i came to this college. It was kind of a last chance thing. I'd been kicked out of five other colleges. I lost track of how many high schools. My aggression had pretty much ruined my life and had me a little notorious around the werewolf world. My best friend Mason had warned me if i made much more trouble then the king alpha would come and most likely kill me.

So the dean paired Della with me just because she was a siren. I think he mainly hoped she would be strong enough to calm me, but i don't think anyone would guess that we would come to love each other. sometimes i feel sorry for Della. I wonder if she gets annoyed or bored with having such a brute as her boyfriend. I know she lost some friends because they were too scared of me. The more and more i think about it the more upset i get that I'll never be able to show her how much i love her and how much she has saved me.

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