Wolf In Heat Drabble

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This is just a quickly little story I thought of. I may or may not write another part to this, but for right now this is all I've got. The only warning I have is for slight smut, and foul language. Don't like don't read please.

We came up to the cave where Lane and Rigel were hiding and I was beginning to have even more doubts about his.

I looked to Jake and frowned deeply. "This is creepy. I don't like it" I muttered.

"Meena, listen if there was another way we would do it, but you're the only one they will let in right now."

"WHY ME?!" I yelled.

"Because you're his mate" Jake said.

I wanted to cry.

When I was young I became best friends with Lane, Jake, and Rigel. We were instant friends and the best of friends by the age of seven. But around thirteen Rigel started going through some sort of change. Jake and Lane wouldn't tell me anything. Then within months Jake was going through the same thing and then Lane quickly after. They became more distant and more secretive. It felt awful to realize your best friends were slowly pulling away from you.

When we were fifteen Lane told me the big secret. They were shifters. They have an affinity with a certain animal and were able to change into it whenever they wanted. There was so much that came with them changing, but I was just happy to have my friends back.

Rigel and Lane are brothers, twins. Rigel is the oldest by two minutes, and unfortunately Lane is a bit of a runt. He's much smaller than Rigel. Shorter by five inches and not as well built.

A scary roar echoed through the cave and out. I cringed back, fidgeting with the edge of my favorite t-shirt. Jake had just taken me away from my only night to myself. Jake barely gave me enough time to pull on a pair of pants.

"Jake" I whined. "I don't want to do this." My heart was hammering harshly inside my chest. It felt like it was beating against my ribs.

"I won't make you but, Rigel  needs you. Rut has struck him and he'll be in an immense amount of pain until you help him. You're his mate" Jake emphasized again.

I frowned at him. "How do you know this?!" I growled.

"Rigel told me."

My jaw dropped. "How long have you known?"

"Ummm maybe like a year..."

I nearly fell over. "A year?! When was I going to be let in on the big secret?"

"Rigel wanted you to fall for him on your own. It just unfortunate that such a sever rut hit him this year."

I crossed my arms. "I'm so sick of you three keeping secrets from me! It's like you have a club that I'm not invited to."

"Meena stop being a brat!" Jake yelled exasperated. "It is kind of like that for right now. I promise once everything is resolved you'll know everything. We'll tell you everything you want to know, but right now I need you to go in there and help my best friends!"

I wasn't happy but I understood his point. "Fine, but once this is over we're gonna have a long talk." Jake nodded sighing in relief.

I turned back to the ominous looking cave. It was dark inside. The entire forest was quiet, as if every animal was wary of the dangerous beast that was Rigel.

I sighed and built my courage like a wall of Legos. Piece by piece, step by step I pushed myself on.

I walked inside the cave and a low grumble made me shiver. I hesitantly took another step.

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