Killer Smut (kinda, not really)

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This is for Moonlover19. This doesn't have too much actual smut in it. There is swearing and sexual themes but not actual smut. If you'd like an actual smut just let me know and I'll write one but just for the story of this one I didn't feel like writing smut. I hope you like it and let me know what you think.

Allie walked down the street mostly trying to keep going and stay awake. She's been up all night taking care of her neighbor's daughter who's come down with the flu. She had stupidly volunteered to watch her before knowing she was sick.
The little girl had been puking and crying all night. At most she got half an hour of sleep.

But unfortunately when you live alone there's no one else to do the grocery shopping.
She yawning widely, closing her eyes for just the millionth of a second.
In that time she'd somehow run into a big burley man. The man grunted at her, knocking her back and on her áss.
She whimpered at the pain in her áss. She gazed up with her hurt lilac eyes and the man to knock her down glared as he walked past.
She looked away immediately, intimidated by his harsh glare.
"That was rather rude" came a strong voice.
She looked up and a man held his hand out to her. She blinked a couple times. She couldn't see his face all but she was impressed by him. He had long blonde hair and very impressive muscles. He had a blue and white mask over his face not letting her see any part of his face.
She took his hand and picked erased up off the ground. "Oh thank you."
She rose to her feet and dusted her shorts off.
The man then leaned down and picked up the few groceries she'd bought. "I'm afraid you bananas and bread didn't make it."
She gazed at her basket to see broken bananas and a crushed load of bread.
Allie pouted. "Oh, fücking great!" She took her basket. "That was a waste of money."
"Let me buy you some new ones" he offered.
"Oh no I couldn't let you do that. I'll be okay."
She saw his head tilt to the side ever so slightly. "Are you sure?"
Allie nodded. "I'll be okay. Thank you for your help. You've been the only sunshine to my day today." She reached up and gently caressed her finger tips over the sides of his mask, almost wishing it was his face. "Have a good day sir."
"Call me Killer" he said.
She giggled. "That's quite a name. You can call me Allie." She brushed past him, her body rubbing against his impressive arm, as she walked on. "Goodbye Killer" she mused in a beautiful voice.
Killer turned around stunned by her. She looked back at him and smiled at him.
She got lost in the crowd and Killer quickly readjusted himself so his bûldge wasn't so obvious. He walked the way he was going an saw a few weary gazes at him, these people unlike that beauty he'd just met were well aware of his reputation.

Killer was walking through the town when he came to a small park. Walking through he saw a familiar head of silver hair. He cautiously walked closer and it was her. She had fallen asleep against a tree trunk.
Killer didn't think it was safe for her to sleep in such a public place. So he sat down next to her.

Allie woke up from a wonderful nap. She stretched and her hand hit something warm. Looking over that man, Killer, was sitting next to her. She looked at him sleepily and confused.
"What are you doing here?"
"I saw you were asleep and thought I would make sure no one messed with you."
Her cheeks burned red at this strangers concern. "Oh thank you" she said unsure. She turned to him bringing her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. "I don't mean to be rude, but why do you care?"
"Because I do. No specific reason other than that."
She tilt her head to the side and smiled. "Well that's real sweet of you mister pirate."
He was a bit shocked. "I thought you didn't know who I was?"
"I didn't but after we spoke earlier this old lady pulled me aside and told me about you and your crew."
"You don't look scared" he said.
"Why should I? You didn't hurt me, you helped me."
"I've killed many people" he said in a sort of warning.
"And I've made many pies" she shrugged.
"You're beautiful" Killer mused.
Her lilac eyes widened. The blush on her cheeks got worse. "What do you look like?" she asked putting the attention off of her.
"Like any other man" he replied.
She reached up, again trailing her fingers down the side of his mask. "I bet you're handsome and sexy."
He grabbed her hand and gently ran his thumb up and down her palm. "Under this mask is no more than any other man." He put her hand to his chest so she could feel his heart beating.
"Would you ever let me see your face?"
"Maybe" he said.

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