Avengers Drabble

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This is just something I thought up real quick and wanted to write. There might be a few mistakes, please excuse them. It also might be terrible I'm not very sure about it but whatever. Please enjoy and any criticism is welcome.

I took a strangled breath. This is not what I had planned for my life. Dying at the age of 24. It's a bummer.

None of this was how I'd planned my life going. Alone and fucked up since the age of 15.

My name is Reya, and I used be human but that changed at the age of 14.

When I was 14 a group of men kidnapped me from my home, not that it was anything spectacular.

I was the middle child of five. Believe it or not I was the accidental child. They had wanted to stop at two but I happened. And apparently they couldn't stop at three and so they wanted four. But didn't mom decide to have twins. My youngest siblings were born a year and a half after me. After a while I just got used to being over looked. The twins were what mattered.

Looking back at it, I've begun to think it was a blessing. I was taken to be some secret weapon, not that at the time I knew what they meant. I became their little science experiment. For a solid year I was tortured and prodded at, turned into a weapon to be used and controlled.

Blah blah blah, let's skip ahead. Not long after turning 15 I was on a job with the assholes that called themselves Deecius. Everything got fucked real quick. To this day I have no idea what happened. All I knew was that there was an explosion and it broke the collar that was around my neck. Now it broke it, in that it no longer shocked me, becoming just a piece of metal stuck around my neck. It was however still stuck around my neck. I'd tried lots of things to try and cut it, break it, hell dent it. But nothing could even scratch it. I gave up on trying to remove it a long time ago. But since that day I'd been alone and on the run.

Fear kept me moving. I could never let those men take me again.

How'd it start? Well I was seriously injured in a fight. Breathing was increasingly difficult and I felt damn lightheaded. The piece of pole impaling my left leg probably has something to do with it. I'd been left here bleeding for about twenty minutes now.

A man leaned over me, looking over me with critical eyes. "We've got a live one over here?"

A blurry man that looked blue landed on the other side of me. "She doesn't look too good. She's lost a lot of blood."

"We've got to get her help" said the first man.

"With caution" came a new voice. My vision had completely went so I just closed my eyes.

"She needs a doctor now!"

That's all I remember of that. Next I knew I woke up in a bed.

I opened my eyes and was met with excruciating pain. I groaned and tried to roll but found my hand was cuffed to the side of my bed. I screamed at being held. Memories of being bound raked me. I struggled, wildly thrashing. I bit my tongue and tasted the blood in my mouth. I spit with my expert aim and it hit the metal cuff. The flimsy metal began to melt. I calmed, panting as I wait for it to break. It eventually did and I was able to free my hand.

I was getting up when a blonde haired man walked in. He looked shocked to see me up.

"What are you doing up?" he asked.

"Why am I here? Leave me alone!"

"Why were you at that warehouse?"

"None of your business!"

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