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din considering getting a bounty off you

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din considering getting a bounty off you.

it was all a huge misunderstanding. you had just been an innocent bystander, trying to sell spice to some offworlders for some extra credits; you had no idea they were criminals wanted by the syndicate. in the chaos ensuing the shootout, you had been snagged by the criminals and brought aboard their ship as a hostage. however, it wasn't long before that ship was caught and boarded by none other than a syndicate hunter himself. his face covered by a mandalorian mask, you couldn't read his expression when he demanded what your reason was for being there. he either didn't believe you or just didn't care when you explained to him your side of the story because he simply grabbed your arm and dragged you roughly onto his ship, shoving you into a chair in the cockpit before returning for the cold bodies of the remaining criminals. your head swam with anxiety and fear but you quickly took a couple deep breaths, calming your mind and making it easier for you to confront the hunter when he reappeared. he was silent for a long while as he took the pilots chair, setting a new course for who knew where before he spoke in a gravely voice that scraped the air from your lungs, revealing that the syndicate wanted anyone who had dealings with the criminals. you gaped at him, heartbeat racing, eyes widening in disbelief. he glanced over his shoulder but said nothing else and you deflated in your seat, hugging your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. how were you ever going to get out of this alive? an hour passed, then two of unbearable suffocating silence when the syndicate hunter finally shattered the stillness.


"we'll figure out what to do in the morning. for now, get some rest."

"and just how am i supposed to do that?"


a/n : my first mando imagine, in honor of season three. :))

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