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orson when he discovers your secret

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orson when he discovers your secret.

orson was the easiest man you'd ever played. catering to his ego was all you had to do before he was dancing eagerly in the palm of your hand, always vying for your attention. it was quite comedic actually, the way he trusted you instantly without hesitation. it was as if there was no one else in his life that he could turn to, ultimately leading back to you where he would confess his deepest secrets in whispers no one else could hear. his vulnerability gave you a sense of empowerment and every time he came knocking at your door, you would roll your eyes, plaster on a fake smile, and invite him in, unapologetically cruel as you toyed with his fragile emotions. he deserved everything that was coming to him and nothing would ever change your mind of that. day after day you led him on, wielding his insecurities against him but as those days slowly stretched into months while you waited for your defected imperial partner to return to your rescue, the joy of tormenting orson faded into a lonely craving for his constant presence. at night his blue eyes would flash through your mind and you would squeeze your eyes tighter shut against the images, your hand balling into a fist as you shifted on your side, waiting for the sweet release of sleep. during the day, you would catch yourself searching for him, wanting him to take you aside, just the two of you while he became almost human, caressing your cheek gently. you could feel yourself slipping down a dangerous slope and you knew you had to escape before it buried you alive. then finally, finally, the day of your deliverance arrived. the relief that was flooding through your veins as your returned partner pulled you along towards the hangar bay, ignoring the wailing alarms, made you feel like crying. and you almost did when your path was suddenly blocked by none other than orson krennic himself. his blaster was pointed straight at your partner but his gaze was soon caught on your intertwined hands and the look on his face was one of abject shock and betrayal. his blue eyes locked on yours and it was like you lost your ability to speak as they hardened with an icy newfound contempt.



"you're not going anywhere, (y/n)."


a/n : i've kinda had a thing for ben mendelsohn ever since rogue one came out, sorry not sorry. 🙈

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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