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anakin discovering you eavesdropping

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anakin discovering you eavesdropping.

you leaned forward expectantly, listening to the conversation happening between the tall, dark, and handsome man and his conspirator. you couldn't quite grasp what they were saying, partly due to their lowered voices, partly due to the fact that you had no idea what they were talking about even when you could hear them. something about jedi, sith, a padme, whatever that was, and death. through a bit more eavesdropping, you managed to deduce that the younger man with the intimidating scar was a jedi, causing your eyes to widen in amazement, curiosity, and fear. you had never heard of a sith but they sounded cool and you wondered if they were anything like the jedi. in fact, by the older man's description, they sounded more powerful than the jedi, something you didn't think possible from all the rumors you'd heard throughout your years of working in cantinas. suddenly remembering your job and your boss' latest threat of being fired if you disappeared on the clock again, you waved it away as you continued to listen; this was much more interesting. you wondered if you could learn anything the old man was talking about, leaning forward even more in an attempt to catch more useful information. you were suddenly pushed forcefully from behind although there was nothing but wall in your tiny dark corner and you fell flat on your face at the feet of the two men. you glanced upward, face flushing as you made eye contact with the jedi. if you thought his scar was intimidating, his stare was even more so.


"it seems we have a curious audience, young skywalker. i do believe she is interested in what we have to say about the jedi."

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