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chirrut finding your interest in the force enlivening

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chirrut finding your interest in the force enlivening.

you knew everyone thought you were crazy for believing in the myths. the tall tales about the force and how it controlled good vs. evil in the personified beings of the jedi and sith. everyone said they were bedtime stories but you just couldn't believe that. there was evidence for their existence no matter how weak, even if they were extinct now. admittedly, part of your fascination with the myths was due to your vivid imagination; the thought of being able to lift things with your mind and wield a glowing light sword like some sort of medieval knight sounded pretty appealing especially compared to your life in the rebellion where the main objection seemed to be run and hide. so, when jyn erso and cassian andor returned from their mission with a couple tagalongs who claimed to be the mystic guardians of the whills, it took all your self composure not to freak out and bombard them with questions. later however, when you confronted the one called baze, and he informed you of the destruction of the kyber temple, your face fell in disappointment and dismay. it had been one of the last major relics to the jedi known across the galaxy. you trudged slowly back across the base, bitterness filling your thoughts as you stared at the ground. a sudden voice calling your name brought you out of your stupor and you glanced around for the source, your eyes finally resting on the other monk who had returned with captain andor. his milky white eyes gazed back, piercing your soul and you sensed a strange yet familiar aura radiating from him. you approached cautiously, asking him how he knew your name. he replied that he knew a great many things with the force guiding him. you gasped and raced to his side, your mouth moving faster than your mind could keep up as simple smile lit his composure, listening to your voice.


"you can use the force? are you a jedi? do you have a lightsaber? can you teach me? can i learn how to use the force too?"

"ah, baze, i told you they were not all gone. here is one still interested in the old legacies. how refreshing."

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