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bodhi being caught off guard by your confession

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bodhi being caught off guard by your confession.

bodhi rook was going to get himself killed, you just knew it. pausing your wild pacing, you squeezed your eyes shut as you rubbed your temple, the beginnings of a headache coming on. your stomach didn't feel so great either; it was swirling with both nausea and nerves. finally you sucked in a deep breath before exiting your room, trying not to think twice about the decision you had just made. as you worked your way towards the airdock, ducking and scrambling to avoid the crowds, visions of the last time you saw bodhi flashed through your mind. you attempted to blink them away to no avail. he was an imperial defector but the credit had to go to you first. you had defected long before he did and though you tried to get him to join, he refused, too frightened to risk the wrath of the empire. with disappointment and longing in your gaze, you abandoned the man you had come to care for in your years of servitude to the ungrateful imperials. your dedication was elsewhere. however, when bodhi appeared at the rebel base a couple years later with a message from the man, galen erso, claiming a weapon with the power to destroy entire planets was being built by the empire, you felt an old flame rekindling in your heart. in an attempt to stomp it out, you avoided bodhi to the best of your ability but once word spread about a crew of rebels defying orders and attempting a surprise attack on scarif to steal the weapon's blueprints, him included, you couldn't help it anymore. muttering apologies (but mostly curses) to everyone you bumped into, you finally emerged outside, blinking rapidly in the bright sunlight before immediately heading straight towards the captured imperial shuttle where numerous others were already boarding. it was difficult to see in the dark ship but you spotted him strapping on some gear in the back, a look of determination on his face. you called his name and he looked up, recognition and shock flashing in his big brown eyes.


"(y/n), what are you doing here? how—?"

"bodhi rook, i love you. please don't leave me.


a/n : these are progressively getting worse but to make it better, revel in this adorable rebelcaptain gif.

a/n : these are progressively getting worse but to make it better, revel in this adorable rebelcaptain gif

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