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kylo sensing you fade away

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kylo sensing you fade away.

you hated the jedi, you hated the resistance, and you hated everything they stood for. they were all hypocrites, claiming they were saving the galaxy from the first order's tyrannical hand when all they were doing was stirring chaos and distrust in the hard earned peace the order had created. why couldn't those ungrateful rebels understand that? the first order was the only way to bring balance back to the turmoil that luke skywalker had created during his active years as a jedi. you were only grateful the fool was wise enough to go into hiding after almost murdering his nephew and your lover, kylo ren. kylo was very headstrong, overprotective, and jealous but you understood where those emotions stemmed from. having such an unstable and fanatical family would do that to people. so you also understood why he insisted he face his father alone when he and a couple other pathetic rebels invaded starkiller base. you fully expected to see him again by the end of the hour, reassuring you of the demise of his father but you had severely underestimated the tenacity of the resistance. instead of celebrating the first order's victory with kylo, you were sprinting towards the hangar bay, sweat running down your back and chest heaving with the effort of fleeing the base before it blew up around you. you had just reached the open door of a shuttle after being almost bowled over by several officers when a tie fighter with its wings clipped off came crashing through the bay, bouncing off the walls like a pinball and gutting the ship right in front of you. the force of the ensuing explosion threw you into the winged blade of a damaged abandoned tie and you heard your spine snap as you screamed first in pain and then terror. you crumpled to the ground, completely paralyzed, now unable to escape the destructing base and you knew no one was going to come back to help you. you stared blankly towards the open door of the hangar, barely able to glimpse the sky outside as you watched an x-wing soar towards you, opening fire on the bay and anyone foolish enough to try to escape. closing your eyes, you breathed in deeply and accepted the sweet release of death.


"goodbye, kylo. i love you."

"(y/n), don't leave me!"

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