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luke being exasperated that you can't keep a secret

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luke being exasperated that you can't keep a secret.

okay, you had totally not meant to get you and your boyfriend entangled with the blacklight pirates. it just sort of . . . happened. one minute you and luke had just dropped out of hyperspace, entering the endor system, and the next your ship was being boarded and hijacked while you both were tied up and sent to the forest moon far below. after interrogating luke unsuccessfully for an hour, they decided to move onto you, much to your chagrin. panicking, you attempted to inch closer to luke despite having your arms tightly fastened above your head, hoping they wouldn't take you away from him. you could hear the pirates mumbling about you, discussing different techniques in getting you to speak. a terrified gasp escaped you and luke immediately began to whisper excitedly, comforting you, ensuring you that you were going to be okay, just don't tell them anything. you tried to nod but was interrupted by rough hands untying you and hauling you to your feet before shoving you towards a nearby tent. however, the gang leader stopped you in your tracks, turning you around to face luke; you were going to be interrogated in front of him on the idea that hurting you would make him confess. a long jagged knife made an appearance in the pirate's hand and all reasoning immediately left your head.


"i'm only going to ask this once. what are you and your little friend doing here?"

"luke is a jedi and we're on a mission to defeat the empire and put scum like you behind bars."

"(y/n), what part of 'don't tell them anything' did you not understand?"

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