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anakin knowing you will fight him to the death

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anakin knowing you will fight him to the death.

you couldn't believe it. you wouldn't believe it, refused to believe it. but the evidence before you, the hologram of anakin leading an army into the temple, slaughtering hundreds of jedi, knights and younglings alike, was impossible to deny. anakin had fallen to the dark side. it was almost more than you could bear. by the will of the force, you weren't at the temple when the massacre began but you knew you had to confront him eventually, it was inevitable. you wouldn't have thought him capable of such horror, such evil but musing over the past couple months and the words spoken between you, you realized he had been at risk of falling the entire time. you blamed yourself and it nearly tore you into pieces. if only you hadn't left him, abandoned him in his time of need, maybe he wouldn't have fallen. or maybe it was too arrogant of you to assume you could have stopped something so powerful. the sith were not to be taken lightly. but anakin had always felt too strongly, too deeply and they had preyed upon that. it had made him vulnerable to the dark side and it was why so many were dead today. you attempted to calm your racing heart as you neared mustafar, your head pounding with thousands of swirling emotions, making you feel like you were about to drown. yet when the ship finally touched down on the rocky glowing surface and you saw him standing there, a sudden unexplainable peace wrapped itself around you. it wasn't your fault. and the man standing before you was no longer anakin skywalker. he was merely a vessel of the dark side, a slave forever to the sith lords. and you were going to end him today, even if you died trying.


"you won't leave here alive."

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