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finn seeing you after you run into him

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finn seeing you after you run into him.

sweating bullets, you couldn't help but mentally curse unkar plutt for his unjust trades. you had literally spent all day scouring old ships, speeders, and vehicles for spare parts to give the nasty alien but all he had ended up giving you was six portions, hardly enough to get you through the next two days. so, in a crazy turn of events, you were slinking behind plutt's broken down shack, hoping to pinch a few portions just to keep you from starving in the days ahead. you waited until the mound of flab was distracted by another scavenger, then you took your chance. leaping forward, you snatched as many packets as you could, stuffing them anywhere they would fit: in your tunic, down your pants, in your boots. your hasty panic aroused much noise and suddenly plutt's ugly face was snorting in yours. shrieking from fright and surprise, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you scrambled out the back of the shed, you ran as fast as you could, not pausing to pick up the few portions you dropped on your way out. distracted and glancing over your shoulder in case plutt decided to come after you, you didn't notice the man who had stepped directly into your path until you crashed headlong into him, a sea of packets exploding from you like a plastic firework.


"oh my gosh, i'm so sorry, gotta go, bye!"

". . . who was that?"

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