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poe greeting you after his mission

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poe greeting you after his mission.

poe dameron was a work of art and the cocky little bastard knew it. the constant teasing and flirtatious winks would secretly send you into girly frenzies that you had to hide from him or his snide remarks would get worse. of course that was just poe being poe; he had no idea how much his words affected you. being his primary mechanic despite specializing in y-wings, you had gotten to know each other pretty well over the past few years. even to the point that you began to worry about his safety every time his headstrong nature took control, whether it was from the wrath of the first order or the much more terrifying displeasure of general organa. you were always cursed to watch from afar, standing in the hangar bay and staring into the sky long after his x-wing had disappeared into the clouds. now, as you were busy mending another pilot's y-wing, you suddenly heard the thunderous sound of spacecraft engines roaring into a nearby bay, returning from their latest mission. grabbing an already filthy rag and scooting out from beneath the ship, you dropped your tools on the ground before racing to the bay. you attempted to wipe the oil stains off your face and hands with the rag but succeeded in only smearing the liquid more thickly on your skin. by then you had already arrived, spotting poe in the sea of bright orange jumpsuits and rushing to greet him. he grinned devilishly, looking you up and down.


"woah, looking pretty snazzy there, mechagirl."

"oh um... thanks?"

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