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mace witnessing you botch your assessment

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mace witnessing you botch your assessment.

mace windu wasn't your master but he was one of the top jedi on the council and your greatest inspiration. you knew that if you ever wanted to be where he was, you were going to have to impress him. and now was your time to shine. all the jedi masters had assembled to evaluate the new padawan's progress thus far, you included. today your assignment consisted of a mock abduction and rescue in which the padawans were to work together in teams of three to extract and save the hostages. you nervously tapped your lightsaber hilt against your thigh as you awaited your turn inside the arena; the longer you waited, the more aggressive your thumping became. finally you were waved in, along with your partners and the three of you entered, pausing to listen to the instructions given to you by master koon before he disappeared through a side door where you knew the other masters were waiting to assess your performance out of sight. the two padawans began to whisper furiously together, discussing tactics and strategies but you ignored them, believing the only way to attract master windu's attention was by mimicking his combat style with brute force and aggressive approach. the signal was given and you rushed into the simulated arena, leaving your peers behind shouting protests. you reached the hostage effortlessly, dodging the numerous rounds of blaster fire and cutting through holographic enemies with ease but once you spun around, the triumphant grin on your face faded. the simulation had been paused and master koon stood in front of you, a disappointed frown creasing his brow. he motioned and you dropped the faux hostage, following him head bowed, to where the remaining jedi masters were gathered. you glanced up only once to see your fellow padawans glaring at you from across the arena as master adi-mundi reset the simulator for them to try again before you disappeared inside the room. your eyes immediately locked onto master windu's and he looked away, shaking his head in disbelief. your heart dropped all the way to floor, his displeased expression revealing everything he thought of your performance.


"that was the most irrational thing i've ever seen from a padawan your age."

". . . . i'm sorry."

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