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luke after you get into an argument with him

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luke after you get into an argument with him.

despite being best friends with luke, it was inevitable the two of you would have fights. those instances were rare and fleeting though. even after an argument, it only took a couple of hours before you were laughing and teasing each other again, ever the inseparable pair. or so you thought. after not hearing from luke for a day or so, you hopped into your land speeder and headed for his house. you quietly hoped everything was okay between him and his uncle; you knew luke had been upset about not attending the academy again this year and he blamed his uncle for keeping him stuck on tattooine's desolate plains. your hopes were dashed immediately as luke's home appeared on the horizon, a plume of smoke rising from what you weren't sure of until you finally flew to a stop, covering your mouth and nose with your sleeve to avoid gagging at the stench that greeted you. it looked like two burning charred bodies but surely you were imagining things. until you spotted luke, a couple meters away, a strange look on his face and you knew something horrible had happened. running towards him, you grabbed his shoulders, looking him over quickly to ensure he wasn't injured, asking what happened, where had he been, why hadn't he contacted you. he said nothing, his eyes blank and you shook him slightly, repeating your questions. when he finally spoke, all he said was that he was leaving, leaving and not coming back. you were taken aback and again, tried to get him to explain himself, explain what was happening but he refused, saying you couldn't go with him. angry tears came to your eyes at his dismissal, his betrayal. did all your years of friendship mean nothing to him if he was ready to move on and abandon you so fast? you let him go, forcing yourself away from him and hurrying back to your speeder before he could see you cry. you needed to call your family, the neighbors, someone to help clean up the bodies of his dead aunt and uncle.


"it's for the best, (y/n)."

"if that's what helps you sleep at night, luke. just don't expect me to be here, waiting for you."

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