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obi wan being impressed with your performance

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obi wan being impressed with your performance.

with a final heave, you thrust your opponent off your chest where his blade had been dangerously close to nicking the soft skin of your neck. jumping to your feet and twirling your lightsaber in hand, it was your turn to pounce on him. however, the cocky youngling saw an opening and took it, throwing out his leg to catch your own and trip you. your saber clattered to the ground as you released it in an attempt to break your fall, your opponent rolling to avoid being crushed beneath you. he quickly climbed onto you, pinning you to the ground where you struggled for a moment before using the force to shove him off and he counteracted with his own push, leaving you both to flail around in a short fist-to-fist combat. dodging a punch, you drew back your fist and swung, flinching as it came into contact with hard flesh and you felt warm liquid spurt across your knuckles. your opponent fell to the ground, unconscious, just as you heard the call, "time!" and you scrambled for your lightsaber before turning to face the large crowd of jedi masters and knights lined up on the opposite side of the room. you tried to subtly wipe your injured hand on your robes, hoping the violent end to the match didn't sabotage your chances of being chosen as a padawan. in doing so, you made eye contact with a handsome young man, who smirked and glanced towards his mentor.


"she's quite good, wouldn't you agree, obi wan?"

"yes, master."

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