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cassian right before he asks you out

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cassian right before he asks you out.

as you swiftly strode through the rebel base, lips set firmly in determination to get to your destination in time, you ignored any and all calls and greetings that were shouted in your direction. despite simply being the communications director, you were held in high value and respect as you had recently been recognized for saving the lives of several rebellion soldiers. they had been about to walk straight into a trap set by some imperial storm troopers but you had intercepted the messages between the troopers and their commander and had been able to hack into the communication devices, buying the soldiers some time to escape the trap. they owed their lives to you and as a way of showing their gratitude, they wanted everyone to know what you had done. you knew the soldiers were simply being kind but their stories soon led to unwanted popularity as one of those soldiers had been cassian andor, a valuable member of the rebellion. of course, he had been the only one not to visit and shower you with compliments which was slightly disappointing on your part. not because you wanted the praise but because you had noticed him around the base long before the incident and had always thought he was rather adorable. as you strolled across the grounds, you didn't notice the small group of men lingering in a dark corner who seemed to be bolstering up a nervous cassian, clapping him on the back and giving him words of encouragement. your movement caught his eye though and he swiftly ditched the group, racing to catch up to you and jumping into your path.


"ok andor, remember when you ask her, don't—"

"look, there she is. wish me luck."

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