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bodhi when you find him trying to defect

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bodhi when you find him trying to defect.

as the head aircraft maintenance engineer, it was your job to ensure all flying vehicles were secure, ready, and fully operational anytime the empire needed it. you were attending to your weekly checks, striding purposefully in between the crafts when you heard a rather loud crashing noise come from a nearby fighter. rushing towards it, you ran inside, only to come face to face with an imperial cargo pilot who seemed to be shocked into stillness. after an awkward moment's pause, he blinked and you noticed his big brown eyes. you had always liked brown eyes. he resumed his work and you were content to just watch with curiosity until you noticed a full bag, packed to the brim with clothes, food, and the basic necessities for life, laying haphazardly on the floor like it had been thrown there in a panicked rush. you started, realizing what he was doing and he immediately jumped to his feet, dropping his tools, pleading you to not tell anyone. at that moment, the muffled voices of stormtroopers sounded, asking you if everything was alright. hesitating only a moment, gazing into the eyes of this scared pilot, you turned sharply on your heel and exited the ship.


"is everything ok, ma'am?"

"yes, i just accidentally knocked over a loose panel in the ship but i repaired it. everything is clear here. you may go about your business."

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