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han not caring that he botched your only job

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han not caring that he botched your only job.

han solo. the guy who was most definitely dead the next time he was unfortunate enough to pass you in the hallway. you had been assigned together for your last mission and it had been simple: meet up with a few diplomats from the ryloth system and convince them to assist the rebel alliance. you had no idea why the panel of leaders would elect han solo to go on a diplomat mission so you were sure it was just a punishment for both of you. him for. . . well, just being him and you for nearly blowing the rebellion's cover by erupting during a drunken bar fight where your last assignment had lead you. you had plead and begged mon mothma for weeks before she finally conceded and gave you a second chance. you promised not to screw it up but you foolishly hadn't expected han solo to screw it up for you. all he had to do was prevent any empire activity from wandering too close to the designated meeting place. pretty easy, right? wrong. the twi'leks had some not-so-nice names for you once they had the idea that you had purposefully lured them into a trap for the empire. those not-so-nice names were accompanied with some not-so-nice gestures. the same gestures you were about to give han solo.


"han solo! who the hell do you think you are?"

"you just said it, babe."

"you'd better be glad i just sent my blaster to be cleaned or your body would be littered with bullet holes right about now."

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