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luke seeing you after you went missing

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luke seeing you after you went missing.

as an old childhood friend of luke's, you two did everything together, even as you both began to sprout into young ambitious teenagers on the barren desert planet of tatooine. no two people were closer and all who observed you playing, racing pods, or simply hanging out believed the two of you would eventually realize your feelings and finally become lovers. this was precisely luke's intention on that bright, fateful day in mos eisley. with a confession in his heart and a handmade steel bracelet clutched tightly in his hand, he wanted you to become his and remain with him wherever he went. however, before he could do so, a large commotion broke out in front of a nearby cantina and dozens of people and aliens alike surged forward, eager to witness any trouble they could gossip about later. lost in the crowd, you and luke were separated and when it was over, you were gone. despite searching and calling your name for hours until he was exhausted and his voice hoarse, he never found you. forced to give up many days later by his uncle, it would only be years later that he would find out you had been abducted by bounty hunters who continuously passed you off to others throughout the galaxy. now after finally escaping the clutches of the evil organization on a stolen food carrier, you roamed the stars, attempting to find your way back to civilization. luke skywalker was definitely not the first person you expected to find after all those long years and you very nearly lost yourself when he felt your presence and turned to observe you with those blue eyes you had desperately missed since the moment you were snatched from them.


"luke? is it really you?"

"(y/n)! i thought i'd never see you again!"

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