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cassian sizing you up

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cassian sizing you up.

gazing around at the wide vaulted ceiling, the tall vast columns, and the hurried bustle of the hidden rebel base, you hardly noticed the two burly men escorting you on either side as you were marched through the open grounds towards your so called doom. your jaw dropped, pace slowing as you glanced into the hangar, x-wings, y-wings, and all other kinds of wings filling every inch of space in the room. the guards shoved you roughly from behind, forcing your feet to resume movement, but that didn't mean you had to stop gaping at the palace around you. after a few more minutes of swift marching and quite a few more prods in the back, you finally entered what you guessed was the control room. glass screens with turquoise lights reflected off of every shiny surface and people with sharp, crisp uniforms tapped away at the bases, adding new knowledge to their database every second. you found yourself face to face with one called mon mothma, a woman with short dark hair and piercing eyes, and ordered to explain why you were found slinking inside the base. answering quickly and honestly, you told her that you wanted to join the rebellion, ever since you had eavesdropped on your former slave master complaining to his cronies about their reputation for invading enslaved planets and attempting to free its inhabitants. the slave master had called it a load of crap but to you, it was sign of hope. after a few months of watching and planning, you were finally able to escape the slave quarters and sneak out late into the night, hitching a ride off the planet with a few spice freighters. since then, you had desperately searched the galaxy for any rebellion activity and devotedly followed any and every lead you received. many of the people eavesdropping on the conversation thought you sounded shady. why would a slave risk capture and extreme punishment trying to escape towards an organization they knew nothing about? mon mothma however, was willing to give you a chance. she gestured towards a man you had not previously noticed before, probably because he was lingering in the shadows with only the greenish blue light illuminating his features. cassian andor, as she called him, was to give you a tour about the base.


"you don't look like much."

"frankly, mister, neither do you."

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