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cassian taking the heat for scaring you

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cassian taking the heat for scaring you.

marching through the hangar bay of the rebel base, you stretched your neck to allow your eyes to skim over the sea of heads around you, searching for one particular individual who was about to find himself in a mound of trouble. you had just found out from a fellow rebel pilot that he had been assigned on the most recent mission, a mission that was just returning. it was never guaranteed that one would always come back safe and unharmed from the dangerous raids that the rebels took upon themselves to prevent the expansion of the galactic empire. somehow, cassian felt the need to take every one of them upon himself. you had only just begun to date him, promising yourself that you weren't going to be one of those annoying clingy girlfriends but when he left without saying a word, you couldn't help but worry about him. finally glimpsing him through the thick crowd, you shoved and pushed your way towards him until he was in front of you and you wasted no time in chiding him like a child for disappearing without so much as a goodbye. he gazed at you with those big, beautiful, doe brown eyes, apologizing through his accented voice that he didn't mean to panic you.


". . . dammit, cassian, i can't stay mad at you when you look at me like that."

"i know."


a/n : cassian is a freaking adorable fluff ball and i love him. ❤️

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